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"The sword grants divine authority over the forces of evil," says Eve. "Like everything else though, its magick is a tad weaker these days."

"It got the job done out there," I reply, setting down the weapon reluctantly.

Eve gasps as if she's drowning and her eyes roll into the back of her head. I put my arms around her before she falls to the floor. "Eve!" I scream, shaking her. Finally, some color returns to her face. Her pupils are pinpoints.

"Eve? What happened?"

Eve pushes out of my arms and hurries to the desk, where she scratches something out on a sheet of motel stationary. She's crying. I step closer to read the note as she turns the pad toward me.

The Sixth Antecedent just flooded my mind with a vision. I know what's ahead of us, but we'll still need Poseidon's blood. It's not safe to tell you much more.

I nod and put my arms around Eve again. She hugs back, holding tight to me. The room is stone quiet for a time.

I direct Eve to a chair and help her settle. After locating a proper first aid kit in the bathroom, I carefully remove the tape from her arm and redress her wound properly. I'm encouraged to see the bleeding has stopped.

As soon as I'm done patching Eve with fresh gauze, she removes the Band-Aid from my face and examines my cheek. "Good. This won't need stitches after all." She slides a fresh Hello Kitty over my cut and kisses my forehead. "We better get going."

I stand up with the void cube in my hand. "I wish you could tell me...something," I whisper in Eve's ear. "I don't like being kept out of the loop."

"Shut up. I have a lot on my mind."

We're becoming a pair of raw nerves. "And I don't?"

"Can you just trust me...please?"

I eject a labored breath. "Okay. Maybe we should have room service bring us some body armor or a bazooka or something."

"Don't lose your confidence now," says Eve, slipping on her sling bag and drawing her guns. "Oh god, I almost forgot!" She stuffs the pistols in the back of her pants and rifles through her bag. "I've been lugging this thing around the entire time."

"Have one more deus ex machina in there, I hope?"

"Not really." Eve pulls out the tackiest vest I've ever seen and hands it to me. "Put this on under your shirt. You'll need it."

"Are we going to a disco first?" I ask, putting on the tight-fitting garment.

"No," says Eve. "When the time comes, flash the cock."


"You'll see. Just toss the damn cube already."

"You can't just—" I release a shriek as claws scrape on my shoulder, interrupting my thought process. I trip over my own feet and nearly tumble to the carpet.

"I back!" says VarnLiqn.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I gasp.

Eve rustles the racoon's fuzzy head. "Varny! Where were you?"

"Boo fay," says VarnLiqn with a belch. "Angry man in tall hat coming."

Eve laughs. "Good timing. We're about to fight more vampires."

VarnLiqn reaches into his robe and pulls out a fresh wooden crucifix. "Beard man? I ready!" The insane critter doesn't seem the least bit frightened.

I kiss Eve tenderly, unable to muster any words.

"Let's go," says Eve, taking a deep breath.

Someone's shouting and pounding on our door. I twist and tighten one hand on the hilt of Excalibur and lift the void cube with the other. The tiny hexahedron slams to the floor and we're gone.

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