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Suzy bounds across the flat expanse at remarkable speed. "I'll destroy you all if I must!" She stops in her tracks as she nears the ship, her jaw dropping as she stares at the strange object before her. "Amihan? Is that you? You...you were banished! We thought you were dead!"

"She's back, bitch," yells Eve.

Before Suzy can respond, Poseidon's trident pierces her leg, pinning her in place. She howls in agony.

"Nice try, Amma." Poseidon emerges beside Suzy, his head still gushing blood. He wears a smile on his face as he retracts the trident then stabs her again through the chest. "Amihan! We meet again," he growls, peering up at us. The aliens give no response as we scramble inside the ship. The hatch closes behind us and we hurry to a port window to look outside, expecting the worst.

"We have to take off!" yells Eve. "He's coming!" A strange hum begins resonating through the craft.

Poseidon rears back with the trident, preparing to unleash it once more. Before he can throw, Suzy rises from the scrub land with gritting teeth and gushing blood. She grabs Poseidon from behind and grapples him tightly, preventing him from moving. Her eyes are desperate.

"Go!" yells Suzy. "Pteridophia, if you can't allow the flood then destroy the scroll! Separate the magick and physical planes forever. It's the only way to stop Poseidon. He cannot be allowed dominion over reality!"

"Let go of me, witch!" yells Poseidon in frustration as the flying saucer lifts away and blasts into the sky. My stomach drops as I watch the dueling Antecedents reduce to specks in the distance. The curvature of the Earth is revealed a second later, then the entire planet itself. I can't even feel the craft moving.

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