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Falling through the void cube's portal usually takes less than a second, but this trip stretches for minutes. We're floating weightlessly in a silent expanse, surrounded by darkness. I hold Eve's hand tight. VarnLiqn is swimming around us in a circle, having a joyous time.

"I can barely see a thing," I say, pulling Eve closer. "What happened?"

"This isn't good," says Eve, her voice shaking.

"We're trapped." A tiny point of light flashes in the emptiness while I'm fighting back my panic. It grows larger by the second, hurtling closer at great speed. It's so bright, I turn my head away and squint. "Jesus!"

"Hey guys," says Jesus, floating in front of us as his holy light dims to a tolerable level.

I can tell by the look in his eyes that the jig is up. There's no use pretending otherwise. "Some savior you turned out to be!" I shout, drawing Excalibur. "I'm not going to let the Five Antecedents wipe out the planet!"

Eve raises her guns. "Stay back, JC!"

VarnLiqn freezes and spins in place, looking confused.

"Whoa, easy there," says Jesus, lifting his arms. "No need for that."

"Eve told me everything," I say. "If I write on the Scroll of the Secret Sea, the water trapped inside will engulf the planet, killing everyone and everything." I jab the tip of Excalibur to my throat. "I'll cut off this cursed bloodline before I let that happen!"

"Tim, no!" yells Eve.

"I once died for humanity. I took all their sins upon myself," says Jesus. "Do you really think I'd be so willing to sacrifice them now?"

"Nothing makes sense anymore," I say. "Why should you?"

Jesus sighs. "As you know, Queen Suzerain is always listening. I brought you to this place so we could speak privately. I'm on your side...I always have been. Please, Tim, lower the sword. Our time in this pocket dimension is limited."

Eve pushes down my blade and turns my chin toward her. "It's okay. I think we can trust him."

Jesus continues. "This wouldn't be the first time we've enlisted the courier to flood the Earth. We've reset the world twice now, and frankly, I'm sick of it. The Five Antecedents are just as fallible as humanity. Each time we attempt some grand cosmic experiment to mold the path of evolution, the whole of creation suffers. I won't go through with it again. Once, I was vengeful God, but not anymore. Sadly, Suzy hasn't changed one bit."

"She clings to power as tightly as Poseidon," says Eve.

"Knowing Poseidon's reservations about another flood, I naively thought he'd be an ally—but no—he's walking his own evil path. The future he envisions for the planet is just as destructive as Suzy's. You'll have to stop both of them."

"How? We're just a couple of people and a raccoon!" I protest. "You're omnipotent! Do something for God's—your—sake!"

"You're conflating scripture with reality. Yes, I once had great power, but no longer. As I said before, I drained most of my magick to create the void cubes. I used what was left to bring you here. Once you leave this empty expanse, I will cease to exist."

"No." A pained look crosses Eve's face. "It can't be true."

I instantly feel guilty; even guiltier when I realize I wasted one of the cubes. "No. We can figure something out."

Jesus smiles. "My time has come and I have no regrets. Eve, I don't know exactly what you're planning, but I sense the confidence and selflessness you carry inside. When I look into your eyes, I know I've made the right decision."

Eve wipes away her tears. "Thank you, Jesus. I shouldn't have been so quick to doubt you."

"No worries," says Jesus, stroking her cheek. He turns toward me. "Bonnacon's death strengthened the remaining Antecedents. Once I'm gone, Suzy and Poseidon will be even more powerful—but there's hope."

"Hope is good," I say.

"The five-pointed star of the alliance was strong and stable. However, the shaky triangle of the remaining Antecedents has created the mystical equivalent of Prince Rupert's Drop. Ever hear of the phenomena?"

"No," I say.

"Dripping molten glass into icy water results in a smooth bead with a long, tadpole-like tail. The bulbous end of this bead can withstand the blow of a hammer or even a bullet. But damage the thin tail only slightly, and boom, the entire drop explodes with incredible force. I saw it on the Discovery Channel."

"BOOM," yells VarnLiqn.

"I assume your analogy isn't literal, but I feel as if I should still make sure," I say.

Jesus laughs. "It's not literal. I'm saying Poseidon and Suzy are brimming with so much energy it makes them vulnerable. Upset the balance of their power and they'll be destroyed by their own magick."

I shake my head. "How do we manage that?"

"Destroy the Scroll of the Secret Sea. Our power is tied to it. Suzy will present you with the scroll once you add Poseidon's blood to the pen."

"So, when she puts the scroll in front of me, I'll just shred the damn thing and that's that." I say.

Jesus shakes his head. "It won't be so easy. The scroll is invulnerable when saturated with The Secret Sea. You'll have to remove the water first."

The Catch 22 renders me speechless.

"I drink?" says VarnLiqn.

Jesus scratches the raccoon's ear. "Fear not. Eve knows what to do. Good luck, friends."

Eve hugs Jesus tight, tears in her eyes. He embraces her then slowly moves away. "Hey, don't cry. Self-sacrifice is kind of my thing." A thunderous crash echoes toward us from the distance. "I'm sorry, but this pocket dimension is beginning to fail. You must go. Prepare yourselves to face Poseidon and his brood."

"I'll kill all those fuckers for the Lord." I tell him.

Jesus smiles. "That's the spirit...oh, one more thing before you go."

"Yes?" says Eve.

"Does Walter White get away with it in the end?" asks Jesus. "I didn't get to finish the final season."

Eve looks at me for the answer. I don't have the heart to tell Jesus the truth. "Yes."

Jesus grins. "I knew it!"

The Secret Sea - (Chaptered Version)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें