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"Don't look directly into the Cockatrice's eyes," yells Eve. "You'll be paralyzed!"

"Gotcha," I shout. A leather chest piece emblazoned with Poseidon's grim visage graces the thing's chest. I make it my focal point, knowing I can't look at the monster directly.

Despite its awkward gate, the Cockatrice jumps like a champ. I fall backward, gaining only a few inches between myself and the monster's spiked club. When the ground stops shaking, I send Excalibur slashing through a feathery thigh. The oversized fowl takes a step back and unleashes a blood-curdling crow. Eve's shouting something but I can't hear her over the blaring screech.

I neglect to notice my opponent's iguana-like tail until it slams against my chest, sending me flying backwards. Robbed of breath, I nearly let Excalibur slip from my fingers until I regain my grip. After ducking under a horizontal swing of the mace, I slash deeply at the Cockatrice's thigh again. A kick sends me spinning through the dirt. I moan, knowing I won't survive another impact of such ferocity. The beast's bulging eye peers through me as I stand. Needles stab into my muscles.

"Flash him!"

I see Eve running closer as my head stops spinning. "Huh?"

"Take off your shirt!"

"Oh, right!" I backpedal from another ground-shattering strike and rip off my shredded polo, revealing the garment Eve gave me earlier—a leather vest covered in small mirrored squares. It's a bit torn and some of the glittery shards are missing from the last battle, but it's mostly intact. I stand up and flare my chest toward the monster, looking like an angry disco ball. I'm not sure what good my ridiculous tank top will do for me, but I trust Eve.

The Cockatrice ducks and stumbles to the side as if I've slapped it in the face. A pathetic series of clucks spill from its beak.

"Now the Cockatrice can't look at you either—it can't stand its own reflection," shouts Eve, wisely keeping her distance. "Now, quarter up that bird for dinner!"

I rush ahead, wishing I could jump high enough to lop off the rooster's head, but all I can manage is a deep stab beneath its armpit. The Cockatrice begins to stomp and thrash its wings, becoming panicked. I jump over another strike from the tail and lop it off as I land, sending the appendage spinning away. It writhes and quivers for a second before going still. A clawed foot whips past my middle and shards of mirror fly in every direction as my vest unravels. The pommel of the beast's mace thunks into my stomach and I double over. When I lift my head, I'm greeted by a gold-flecked eye the size of a truck tire as the Cockatrice bends its long neck over me.

"No!" screams Eve.

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