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On our walk back, I realize we're not going to make it very far into the hotel lobby while bleeding and lugging a massive blade. After leaving Excalibur with Eve, I dart into a 7-11 and buy a couple of black plastic rain ponchos, some duct tape, rubbing alcohol and a pack of Band-Aids. Once back outside, I huddle with Eve next to a broken pay phone beside the store.

"Hold still." I clean Eve's wound as best I can then cover it with a makeshift field dressing of duct tape and bandages. "This is the best I can do right now."

Eve grabs the box of Band-Aids and slaps one on my cheek after noticing I'm still bleeding. "Hello Kitty? Really?"

"It was all they had," I say.

"You look adorable."

I place the sword over the spread-out ponchos and wrap it carefully. A grimace wipes my face as I slap on the last strip of tape. "I tried to make it look like a garment bag...or something."

"Expertly concealed." Eve's voice is dripping with sarcasm. "Remind me to never let you hide any Easter eggs."

"Is the Easter Bunny real?" I ask with curiosity.

"I'm not getting into that right now," says Eve, glaring at me. "Let's just hope your wrapping job proves serviceable enough to get us back to our room without too much attention."

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