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"My god, it's beautiful," I say, staring out of the ship's porthole. The Earth shimmers a deeper blue than any I've seen before. The planet soon reduces to the size of a quarter as we speed away. I feel a tap on my shoulder. Expecting to see Eve, I'm instead greeted by a pale, gray skinned alien flashing me a tiny-mouthed grin. Its huge, almond shaped eyes reflect my pallid face. "Oh, um, hi there."

"Hi there," squeaks the Alien. He's one of seven extraterrestrials milling about the ship. They all share a similar appearance, looking plucked from the cover painting of a pulpy sci-fi novel.

Eve is busy smoothing out the scroll of The Secret Sea on a stainless-steel table—the only object inside the craft. I look side to side, seeing only scrawny aliens and bare walls. No lights, no switches. Just empty metal pulsing with a white glow from an unseen source.

"Is this where you probe people?" I ask my new alien friend as I step toward the table.

"Sometimes," he replies.

"Wow...the scroll...this is really it?" I say, turning away from the alien to look at the unassuming sheet of parchment. "It's so plain. Completely blank."

Eve glares at me. "We're still in danger. If Suzy dies, Poseidon will have incredible power—he'll soon come for us." She sighs. "I feel bad for calling her a bitch."

"Wait. Poseidon? Up here?"

Without warning, two aliens grab Eve from behind, holding tight to her wrists. "Hey! Let go!" she yells.

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