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Suzy waves her hand. Shreds of cloth lift into the air from the pile of Steven and begin to reassemble. A pair of jeans and a flannel shirt fly toward me and I jump out of the way.

"I've removed the gore, fear not," says Suzy with a sigh. "Take off those ridiculous pajamas and put on these clothes. I've imbued them with a mild spell of protection. You'll need it."

The air beside me tears apart like paper as I finish getting dressed. The rip reveals nothing but the same dark beyond dark I experienced inside the house.

"What's that for?" I ask. My hipster outfit doesn't feel the least bit like armor.

"No more questions," barks Suzy. She hands a small wooden box to Eve. "I will allow you to accompany Tim on his tasks. The Cult of Poseidon have already felt the shift in magick. They'll start tracking you as soon as you arrive in the domain of the Fifth Antecedent. Be ready to fight."

"Yes, majesty," says Eve with a bow. "I've already prepared for the journey."

"Excellent. You can call me Suzy as well. I enjoy it."

"Really?" asks Eve, surprised.

"Yes," says Suzy, displaying a surprisingly sweet smile.

"We're fighting the cult of...who?" I squeak.

Eve slings a black and silver messenger bag over her shoulder. "We won't have to fight anyone if we make it to the temple in time. The Antecedent will be expecting us."

One of the raccoons dashes next to Eve and tugs at her dress. "I go," it squeaks, licking its lips.

"It appears this changeling bastard wants to accompany you," says Suzy. "What's your name, little one?"

"VarnLiqn," squeak-growls the raccoon.

"That's a name?" I question.

The beast hops in Eve's arms and she strokes its belly through its blue cloak. "I don't see the harm in having another ally."

Suzy shrugs. "He'll likely die."

"Oh...right," says Eve.

"I GO!" demands VarnLiqn.

Suzy waves her hand. "It's his decision. Now, all of you, leave my sight."

Before I realize what's happening, Eve grabs my wrist and pulls me through the tear. I see Suzy waving goodbye. VarnLiqn squeals in excitement.

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