* 47

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It's 1 a.m. but the strip is still bustling as we stride to the Bellagio. I'm fascinated by the variety of emotions flashing across the faces of the people we pass. Desperation, joy, pain, exhaustion--these are my people.

The atmosphere is more subdued at the fountain. We take a minute to watch the water flow in a garish but beautiful dance. There's only a few people milling about...mostly couples. None of them look the least bit magickal. Soon, we're the only ones left in the square, which seems a bit odd in a place like this.

"Do you have any idea who we're looking for?" I ask Eve.

"No clue."

Over here.

It's barely a whisper, but I make out a female voice calling to me. I turn to face the source.

This way.

I start walking toward the voice. "Eve, did you hear that?"

"No, what is it?"


Eve perks up. "I heard it that time."

The voice grows louder as we get to the edge of the fountain, then disappears. "Are you a ventriloquist?" I ask Eve.

"That's not one of my talents," replies Eve. "I don't see anyone. She must be hiding."

"There's nowhere to--"

In here!

I spin around and look inside the fountain. A pale woman wearing nothing but a soaked lace frock is staring back at me with gleaming sapphire eyes. She's half-submerged, her cascading silver hair spilling into the water.

"Hello courier, I am Nymue," says the woman.

I can't help but blush. Nymue's beauty is staggering and otherworldly. "Hi. I'm Tim and this is Eve. Jesus sent us."

"No way!" says Eve. "It can't be."

"Here, this will aid you on your quest. Use it to clear a path to Poseidon," says Nymue. She reaches under the water and pulls up something large, wrapped in a black trash bag and zip ties. Frankly, it's not a very magickal moment. "Take it!" she says, lifting it higher with a grunt.

I grab the bag. It's heavier than I'm expecting. "What is this?"

"I know what it is," says Eve in a hush.

"I'm growing weak. I'm afraid I must leave," whispers Nymue. "When we are forgotten, we cease to exist...save us, Tim." With that, she sinks back into the fountain and disappears--diving deeper than should be physically possible.

I look around nervously and set the dripping trash bag beside me. "You know this woman?"

"No, but I know of her."


"Nymue. The Lady of the Lake."

I laugh. "Very funny."

Eve shakes her head. "People believed in the tales of King Arthur for centuries. Nymue is one of the last remaining vestiges of the Arthurian legends."

"Is that why Jesus booked us a room at the Excalibur? Pretty corny," I say, looking up into the sky as if he's listening. I swivel my head back to the bag. "That's not really the sword in that sack, right?"

"Excalibur? Yeah. Grab the damn thing and let's head back to our room."

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