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I wake up, feeling myself being dragged through the dirt. One of my hands is tied to Excalibur with a ragged strip of fabric. I try to say something but only manage a groan.

"Tim! Wake up!"

A clash of metal rings my ears and snaps me to alertness. "What...what's happening?"

Eve slaps me for good measure. "We need to get as far away from this place as possible!"

I rub my eyes and see Poseidon locked in combat with Queen Suzerain. His trident is crossed with Suzy's vicious feathered spear.

"You shall not kill the courier!" roars Suzy through gritting teeth. The scarlet and golden robes she's wearing whip violently in the strong wind. Loose curls fly around her face. "He has yet to write the phrase!"

"You know I can't let that happen," growls Poseidon, pushing his trident forward as his muscles tense. "While you have become weak, my power continues to grow! I refuse to acquiesce to your failures." He sends a kick against Suzy's middle and she slides backward through the dirt.

"Oh my god," I say, standing up on wobbling legs. "What...what can we even do?"

"It doesn't matter who wins...we're fucked either way," says Eve. "We have to run...as long as we can until—"

Eve is interrupted by an immense wave of heat, making us both recoil. Fire bursting from Suzy's hands engulfs Poseidon as he screams in agony. His trident rips through the wall of flames into Suzy's middle, cutting the conflagration short. Suzy stumbles and unleashes a wet gasp.

Poseidon stands, pushing the trident deeper into Suzy's abdomen. "Jesus and Bonnacon are dead, and soon I will slay poor Danica. Once you all cease to exist, I will become the singular point of the Antecedency!"

Hot blood gushes from Suzy's mouth. "Fool! The physical and magickal realms are unbalanced. Soon, they will tear reality apart...unless we unleash The Secret Sea."

"You exaggerate, Amma. This world has long gone cold to mystic power. Reality will suffer on, as it has for centuries," says Poseidon with a grimace. "I have learned how to harness demonic power from a dimension far removed from this reality. I have little use for magick."

I watch in amazement as Suzy pulls herself away from the Trident. She swings the tip of her spear so fast the air cracks. Poseidon's left forearm falls away as he screams.

"The absence of Jesus and Bonnacon has strengthened me as well! Even without a soul vessel, I'm more powerful than I have been in centuries," bellows Suzy. "I will not fall so easily." She lunges with her spear and pierces Poseidon's chest. The bearded titan winces in pain.

I'm so entranced with the battle, I don't even notice Eve rushing directly toward the skirmish. I watch in terror as she slips behind Suzy while she's preoccupied and tears a leather satchel from the goddess's belt.

Suzy spins her head around, her eyes radiating rage. "Pteridophia, stop!"

Seizing on the distraction, Poseidon grabs Suzy's spear and swings it out of her hand. With the weapon still embedded in his chest, he slams the handle against his opponent's face, knocking her back to the ground.

"Eve, come on!" I scream.

Poseidon yanks the spear out his trunk and throws it to the side. "You're still too weak to stop me, Amma. Give up." He rears back with his trident, preparing to impale the queen.

"Never!" screams Suzy. She recovers quickly and leaps away, retrieving her spear. An instant later, she's ready to strike again.

The Antecedents take aim with their formidable weapons and hurl them toward each other simultaneously. The atmosphere snaps like thunder. Poseidon's fork jabs into Suzy's hip, but her aim with the spear proves impeccable. It lances through the devil's mouth and emerges from the back of his head, pinning him to the wall of the arena. His shocked eyes go wide as he slumps.

Eve returns and pulls on my arm. "They won't be down for long. Run, you idiot!"

"What's in the bag?" I ask, as we start to sprint. Excalibur, bent but shining, is still wrapped to my hand.

"It's the scroll of The Secret Sea," says Eve. She points to the sky. "Look, up there!"

I watch a glimmering object part the clouds. An array of blue and red lights spin on a fixed axis around a large silver dome.

I'm surprised I can still be surprised. "A goddamned UFO. Really?"

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