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The Cockatrice's pulsating eye is a whirlpool of horrors. My muscles seize and I crumple, feeling as if I've been nailed to the ground. Im transfixed on Poseidon's terror bird, even as it lowers its beak to gore me open. Somehow, my hand remains clamped on Excalibur's hilt—as if bleeding to death even matters.

My view of the monster's eye is suddenly blocked by something brown and fuzzy. It's tickling my nose. I hear a loud hiss, followed by a series of thumps as the Cockatrice retreats in a frenzy with a panicked cackle. Small claws dig into my stomach as more fuzz swishes my face.

"I weasel!" yells VarnLiqn.

I can move again. The robust raccoon scurries to my shoulder. "Varn, you're okay!"

A narrow pink tongue licks my cheek. "Chop don't stop!" I'm in no position to argue.

The Cockatrice is cowering close to the ground on its bent, scaly legs. I sprint ahead to seize the opportunity—decapitating the beast with almost embarrassing ease. A fountain of grey-green blood gushes from its wobbling neck.

It's not over. The headless body of the Cockatrice lifts to its feet and dashes toward me. I ready myself for another fight, but the decapitated cock runs right past me with flailing arms and collides against the stone wall, shaking the entire arena. I raise Excalibur in victory as the monster falls to the earth and goes still.

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