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"What's wrong, JC?" asks Eve, stiffening.

"The cult's already found you," says Jesus. "Did you bring any weapons?"

Eve searches through her bag. "Before you ask, Tim, he's referring to the Cult of Poseidon. Yes, that Poseidon. He's the First Antecedent. Unlike his peers, he doesn't want the scroll's failsafe triggered. He's going to do everything in his power to keep you from writing your phrase.

"Wonderful," I say. "But if he's an Antecedent, won't we need his blood?"

"Yeah, we'll worry about that later," says Eve. "Here, take this weapon."

I'm expecting a mystical sword or spear, but instead Eve hands me a pistol. I nearly drop the thing.

Eve looks concerned. "Ever shoot one of those? It's a 9-millimeter Glock 17."

"I've shot something like this," I tell Eve. "I used to go target shooting up in the hills with my friends. This doesn't seem like something magick entities should be carrying around."

"Hey dummy, magick ain't working so hot right now," says Eve. She pulls out another gun and hands it to Jesus. "It's the entire reason we're here."

Jesus disengages the safety of his pistol and cocks it like a pro. "Karakasa-Obake says they're nearly here."

"Give Gaun," says VarnLiqin, stretching his little hands open and close.

"That's adorable, but no. Just stay back sweetheart," says Eve.

VarnLiqn growls and crosses his arms. "Want gaun!"

"Fuck. Are we actually getting in a gun battle? How many are there?" I ask, swallowing my fear.

"Probably a dozen or more," says Jesus, peeking his head out of the cave.

I shake my head. "Are they armed?"

Eve nods. "Hopefully only with awkward iron weapons. Suzy has been spreading false information for years, claiming the courier and his followers will be protected by a spell that makes them impervious to bullets and steel blades. News flash: we're not."

"She was always good with propaganda," says Jesus. He pulls out his Glock's magazine, checks it, then slaps it back in. "Come on, you fuckers! I've been itching for a fight."

"Whoa, Jesus," I say. "What happened to 'love your enemies' and 'turn the other cheek?'"

"Hey, if my followers can pick and choose what rules they want to follow, so can I," Jesus says with a smile. "Besides, these aren't humans...not anymore."

"They're here!" shouts Eve, pointing to the hillside.

The Secret Sea - (Chaptered Version)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα