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I wake with my arms wrapped around Eve, spooning her. She's warm and I never want to leave the bed. A scrap of paper is resting on her hip. I pick it up and try to read the scrawl.


Sure enough, VarnLiqn is nowhere to be seen. I shrug and resume snuggling.

Eve turns to face me, smiling. "Damn, how long have we been asleep?" She spies the note. "What's this?"

"VarnLiqn flew the coop. I guess that's a bad analogy for a raccoon."

"He'll be back," says Eve. "You know...since we're alone and could die at any moment, maybe we should make love."

I do a double take. I try to say something sexy but just blurt, "Okay."

Eve laughs. "Okay." She kisses me wildly as we roll precariously close to the edge of the bed, tearing off each other's clothing, all of which is still inside out.

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