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Eve and I breach the walls of Nikopolis and tear over a plateau of short, sun-scorched weeds. The flying saucer dips lower in the sky and lands ahead of us, a few hundred yards away.

"Aliens now?" I ask. My entire body burns and aches. I'm numb from the neck down. The sword is only getting heavier.

"Remember the giant, orange bird we met in India after killing Bonnacon?" asks Eve.

"The Sixth Antecedent?" I reply, between labored breaths. "She sent the aliens?"

"No, she is the aliens. This is her modern form. What we witnessed before was a throwback to her appearance from legends long past."

"We're getting on that ship, aren't we...we're going to outer space."

Eve manages a laugh. "Bingo."

"Holy shit."

The ramp to the gleaming ship lowers in front of us with a wavering squeal. A row of bald, shadowy figures stare out from the interior.

"We're going to unleash The Secret Sea in deep space," says Eve. "The flood will fill the vacuum with five oceans of water, far away from the planet. Earth will be spared."

I kiss Eve as we make it to the ramp. "You're a genius!"

"I wasn't smart enough to save Varny."

"Don't blame yourself. He chose to come with us. He died a hero."

"Halt!" screams Suzy. Her voice makes my skin go cold.

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