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Colby's POV

I paced through the waiting room as Jake and Corey stared at me, Sam silently sat in the corner, his hands folded in front of him. I went up to the front desk, "I'm sorry for bothering you...but please do you have any updates for us...Cora Williams and Katrina Stuart." I said as my eyes flooded with tears again. "Sir I'm sorry, I can't disclose any information on any patients. Only family and spouses are allowed information anyways." I shook my head and brought my hands up to rub my eyes. "You don't understand. Her dad is on her way from across the country...she's pregnant with my child..I...I can't lose her." I wimpered out pathetically as Jake pulled me into him. "I'm sorry sir, I wish I could do something to help." The woman behind the desk said softly.

A couple hours passed with no word on her condition. Kat's parents were here now, she was doing okay. She suffered from some internal bleeding and would be sore for a while but overall she was going to be fine. Sam was able to go back once she was stable.

Kevin, Aryia, Tara, Devyn, Reggie, and Cassie, all came and sat with us in the waiting room. The room was deadly silent, nobody knowing what to say as I just cried. I tried to call my mom a while ago but she didn't answer. Part of me was glad because I didn't know if I could bare to talk to anyone right now. Unfortunately she didn't know that though. I sighed and answered my phone,

"I'm sorry I missed your call, honey. What's up?" Mom said over the phone causing sobs to wreck through me again, "mom. Cora was in an accident." I choked out and heard her gasp. "What?! Is she okay? Is the baby okay? Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry." I shook my head trying to keep my composure,  "I don't know...they won't tell me mom. They won't tell me anything," I cried out running my hand through my hair, "that's ridiculous! They have to tell you something she's pregnant with your child. Do they know that?" I nodded, "they know that." I whispered, my voice cracking. "They need to tell you what's going on. How long have you been waiting?" She asked and I pinched the bridge of my nose, "almost 3 hours." She sighed, "okay, is her dad on the way?" I wiped my face again, "yeah. He won't be here for a while though, mom I don't know if I can do this." I sobbed out and collapsed into a chair.

"You can do this, but Colby...prepare for the worst with this one. Cora has a good chance at surviving but that little baby might not be doing so well." She admitted causing a loud sob to fall from my chest. Corey rubbed my back gently as I choked, "I'm so sorry sweetie. Do you want us to come there?" I shook my head, "no. I don't know if that would be a good idea." I sighed, "alright. Let me know if you change your mind, please keep us updated. I love you so much sweetheart." Her voice was thick, causing more tears to fall down my cheeks. "Okay. I love you too." I mumbled then hung up.

I heard the door open and saw Sam walking back into the waiting room. "Brother." I said as he ran up to hug me, "how's Kat?" I asked as we just hugged eachother, "she's okay. She's sleeping now, have you heard anything?" I shook my head, "they won't tell me anything." I whispered, "she's strong man, she's gonna get through this." I cried into his shoulder, "but the baby.....Sam...I can't lose both of them." I felt Sam shake his head. "No. Don't think like that." He said and rocked back and forth with me.

We waited for around 6 hours before Cora's dad finally got there. "Colby." He breathed out and hugged me. I was exhausted but seeing him made me feel wide awake. "Have you heard anything?" He asked and pulled away from me, "they won't tell me anything." I sighed out, "okay, let me ask." He said then walked up to the desk.

He came back a couple minutes later, "they will send someone out to update me shortly." He said and sat next to me, "I'm so sorry they wouldn't tell you things, that must have been torture." He said with a very dry laugh. I nodded, not being able to keep a conversation anymore.

"Cora Williams." A nurse said catching all of our attention, "family only.." she said when she noticed all of us staring at her. Cora's dad grabbed my hand subtly and slid one of my rings onto my ring finger then pulled me up, "let's go." He said and nodded to the nurse, "family only," she repeated and looked at me, "I'm her husband." I said confidently. "Okay. Well she's in a bit of a tough situation being pregnant and all. She's in surgery right now. They are doing the best they can to stabilize her. She's tough though." She said and I tried to keep myself together. "What are her injuries?" I said quietly as Cora's dad brought his arm around my shoulder. "Well, her skull is fractured with a possibility of a brain bleed. Extensive amounts of internal bleeding and the baby is possibly in distress." I nodded feeling my heart shatter. "Okay. When can we see her?" Cora's dad said quietly, "it could be hours...could be days depending on how extensive the injuries are. We will keep you updated."

I felt my heart shatter again. I just wanted her to be okay, and I wanted our beautiful baby girl to be okay. I just felt like I couldn't wrap my head around this. She was fine 24 hours ago. My world was still in tact 24 hours ago. Now it was falling apart, and I was falling with it.

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