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"This is beautiful." I said with a gasp as we pulled up to the venue. Colby, Mia, Sam, Kat, and I were here to map out the venue because it was essentially just a  forest with a little bit of a path and some clearing in the trees, so we could kind of do what we wanted seating wise. "It really is, wow." Colby said and squeezed my hand. "Mia's excited." Kat said and rubbed her belly making her laugh,

When we got to the cabin there was a platinum blonde girl with a business suit on, "hey you must be Cora and Cole." She said and held her hand out, "call me Colby," Colby said and shook her hand.

"Okay Colby, I'm Liz, I'm gonna be helping you guys today, who's this?" She asked cheerfully and looked at Mia who was cautiously staring at her, "this is our daughter Mia. Kat, our maid of honor and this is Sam, the best man." I said and gestured to them. "Well how exciting!" She said then clapped as I looked around, letting my eyes graze over the beauty that was surrounding us. I felt like this was the perfect venue for us, because we love to hike.

I loved the silence of it, and how the only noises were by animals and the trees blowing in the wind. No people were around, it would just be us, with our closest family and friends.

It was going to be perfect.

We made our way inside the cabin and sat down at the table, she had a 3D sculpture of the clearing and replecas of different kinds of seating they had for us.

We spent hours upon hours trying to figure the perfect seating position so that everyone would be able to see at any given point.

"I think it's perfect like this. That way your parents, your brother, and my dad can sit here with Mia, our friends can sit here, and then everyone else can go here." I said pointing at the different rows and benches. "Yeah I agree, that's the best way to have it." Colby said and we both looked up at Liz.

"Okay, let's go out there and I'll show you what it will kind of look like." She said and stood up. We all followed her and made our way to the small clearing of trees.

I took Mia from Kat when she started getting fussy. "Do you have the teething toy?" I asked Colby and he nodded, pulling it out for her.

I held her as she held onto the toy, chewing it as she looked around with wide eyes. She really hasn't been outside too much, except for in our backyard so she was really curious about her surroundings.

"Do you like the birds?" I asked and bounced her as she looked up and giggled at the sky, Colby came up and put his hand on her belly making her smile and look up at him. It never failed to amaze me how in love with her I was.

"So this is where the benches would be, we can hang some twinkling lights up here in these trees, and we will lay a white walkway down here." Liz said pointing everything out, "I can't wait!" I squeeled happily and jumped up and down causing Mia to stop chewing and stare at me.

"She thinks you're crazy." Colby said with a laugh, "I am crazy, but aren't you excited?!" I yelled and gestured around me, "I'm super excited, let's elope right now." He said and I rolled my eyes, "soon babe." I said and kissed him. I just couldn't wait.

We finished up at the venue and started our journey back to the house, "guys I think you chose the most beautiful venue ever." Kat said and I smiled widely, "we really did. I'm obsessed." I said, twirling my hair in my fingers as I looked out the window.

I let my mind drift off, I started thinking about Mia growing up and what she would be like. She was such a happy kid, I could see her growing up and doing social media like Colby.

I thought about one day sending her off to prom with her first boyfriend. I imagined Colby being super protective and telling him if he hurts her that they would have some problems.

I pictured myself yelling at him for threatening a high schooler.

I pictured a long and beautiful life with my little family.

I wondered if we would ever have another kid. I didn't know if Colby would even want that, but seeing the way he acts with Mia I wouldn't be surprised if he did want another. Maybe a son.

"What are you thinking about?" Colby asked and grabbed my hand, I didn't even realize we were already back at the house. Sam and Kat had already gotten out of the car, "how long was I in thought?" I asked and shook my head, "like fifteen minutes." He said with a laugh. "Shit. Sorry." I said and brushed my hands through my hair, "no biggie, what were you thinking about?" He asked and I just smiled, "our future.." I said and smiled,

"Oh yeah? What about our future?" He asked and turned to face me. "I was just thinking about what Mia would be like when shes older...and I thought about how happy the rest of our lives are gonna be. Then I started thinking about having another kid. Is that something you would want?" I asked and he smiled, "yeah, eventually. Not any time soon though." I nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we would have a little boy." I said and opened my door, "Maybe, or Mia could have a little sister." He said and I smiled, "you would be largely outnumbered there, Brock." I said and pulled Mia out of her carseat carefully, as she slept.

"I wouldn't mind. I love my girls." He said softly and opened the front door for me. I smiled and walked up the stairs to the nursery. My phone started buzzing as I made my way up to the nursery, "shit can you pull my phone out?" I asked and nodded my head down to my back pocket. He laughed and pulled it out, then slapped my ass, "stooop!" I yelled playfully, "who's calling?" I asked and he scrunched his brow,

"Its your dad, want me to answer?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah." I said once I opened the door to the nursery.

"Hey dad...yeah she's putting Mia to bed....everything okay?" He asked causing me to look up at him with concern. "Oh shit...okay. Give me a minute, I'll put you on speaker once we leave the nursery." He said and I frowned, the concern growing in my belly.

I shook my head and kissed Mia on the cheek then turned to Colby, grabbing the phone so he could kiss her goodnight.

As soon as we got to our bedroom I put my dad on speaker phone and sat on the edge of the bed, where Colby joined me. "What's up dad?" I asked and he sighed,

"So....I think we might have a problem."

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