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The next couple weeks were spent at the house, I was recovering nicely and everyone was so supportive. I was mostly pain free but would occasionally get these massive headaches that would leave me sick and on bed rest for the day.

I was now 7 and a half months pregnant which meant the baby was going to be here in only a month and a half. My stomach was so big I was having a hard time doing simple tasks like putting my shoes on but Colby was always so helpful.

"Babe!! Can you help me?!" I yelled from the bed. I heard Colby jogging up the steps, "what's up baby?" He asked and I just held my shoes up, letting out an exasperated breath. I had been trying to get them on for about 10 minutes at this point. Colby smirked at me and grabbed my shoes, then sat next to me and pulled my legs into his lap. "You're cute you know that right?" He said with a smirk causing me to roll my eyes. "Yeah yeah" I mumbled as he finished lacing my shoes. "Will you go to the store with me?" I asked as he brought my legs back down to the ground. "What do you need from the store?" He asked and stood up, then offered his hands to help me up, "food, I'm hungry." I said and looked down at my belly, "we have food downstairs though." Colby said and I sighed, "nothing we have sounds good though, I was hoping something would speak to me if I went to the store." I shrugged and he chuckled while grabbing his keys, "alright then, let's go."

We walked through the aisles slowly as I looked at all my options, nothing stood out to me. I frowned and turned to Colby, "nothing?" He asked, "nothing." I confirmed, "don't lose hope yet, we still have half the store left." He said and grabbed my hand. We continued our journey through the store to find any food that looked appetizing.

"You're gonna kill me." I said as we stopped in the aisle. "Oh god, no." He said as I looked at the pickles. "Cora you hate pickles!" He said and I frowned, "they sound SO good right now." I said as he scrunched his face in disgust. I reached over and grabbed a jar of them then grabbed his hand and kept walking. We ended up with pickles, Cheetos, chocolate milk and cinnamon apple oatmeal.

"Pregnancy cravings are so weird." I said as we checked out, "you're telling me." Colby said and gestured to the gross combination of snacks I had. We made our way to the car and I put the snacks in the back so Colby wouldn't be upset with me eating pickles in front of him. I didn't understand that craving because I actually hated pickles so much, but right now for some reason they seemed like the most delicious things on the planet. "Thank you for coming with me, babe." I said as he laced his fingers through mine. "You're welcome, I had fun, even though you got the worlds grossest food ever." He said causing me to laugh, "I don't even like them! Blame the baby for that one." I said causing him to chuckle as he kept his eyes on the road.

Driving has been hard since the accident. I try to not let it bother me but I would be lying if I said I didn't tense up every time I was in a car. Colby would hold my hand but would never take his eyes off the road, he would always have the radio on super low also, which I appreciated. Unfortunately it was unavoidable at times, sometimes people were just bad at driving, like right now.

We got cut off causing Colby to slam on the brakes, his arm flying protectively over me. We were fine, everyone was fine, but my chest still bubbled with emotion. "FUCK. Are you okay?" He asked but kept his eyes on the road. When I didn't answer he immediately switched lanes and pulled into a random parking lot. "Hey, shh it's okay." He said and pulled me into him as best he could. I sobbed into his shoulder, "I'm okay." I sniffled out, trying to believe the words I was saying. Colby pulled away and held his hands on my shoulders, looking at my face, studying it intently, "no you're not." He concluded as my face scrunched with pain again. He pulled me into him and just let me cry it out. We sat like that for a couple minutes, me just sobbing into his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry," I whispered and pulled away, wiping the wetness from under my eyes, "it's okay. Are you okay?" He asked and brushed my hair behind my ear, "I think so." I said and nodded. He kissed my cheek and leaned into the back seat to grab the jar of pickles. "Here. Maybe one of these abominations will help." He said causing me to laugh a watery laugh. "I can wait until we are home." I whispered but he was already popping the lid off, he handed me the jar and I took one out. When I put it in my mouth it tasted so good, unlike every other time I had ever eaten one. "Is it good?" Colby asked cautiously, I nodded slowly, "I hate that I like this so much right now." I said and closed the lid, putting them behind my seat again.

We drove the rest of the way home, this time Colby kept his hands on the wheel. I always appreciated how careful he was but I was especially appreciative right now.

When we got home Colby grabbed the groceries from the back seat and we made our way inside and to the kitchen. "Hey, where did you guys go?" Kat said and Colby held the grocery bag up, "ew what the fuck is all of this?" She asked and grabbed it from Colby's hand, "everyone better stop making fun of my pregnancy cravings right now." I said and rolled my eyes, taking the chocolate milk out of the bag.

I drank it as Kat giggled, "I'm not making fun of you but seriously this grocery haul is gross Cora." She said as I rolled my eyes. "I'm going back to bed." I said and turned to leave, "no you're not, we are having a girls night out." Kat said and I raised my eyebrows, "Kat I'm heavily pregnant, my days of girls nights out are over." She shook her head, "relax Cora, we just wanted to go out, we can do anything. Like maybe go shopping?" Kat asked hopefully. I wasn't sure why she was pushing so hard for this. She usually let me say no, especially since the accident and also since I have been pregnant.

I wasn't going to question it though, she obviously had a reason to be being pushy, and it might be because I haven't really been out much since the accident.

"Fine, we can go shopping." I said and she squeeled happily.

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