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When we opened the door all of the roommates were standing in the foyer with huge smiles. Everyone was either holding something for the baby or something for me. "Welcome home." Sam said with a smile as they all started to come up to us. Kat handed me some flowers and Devyn handed me a baby blanket. "Guys..you didn't have to do all of this." I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"Well duh, but we wanted to, we missed your crazy ass being around." Tara said and hugged me, "I missed being here." I admitted, looking around the house. "You guys get Mia settled then we want you to come back downstairs." Kat said and turned me towards the stairs. I nodded and went up them as Colby followed behind me.

When we got upstairs I walked into the nursery feeling a lot of emotions I didn't know I could feel. I bit my lip and turned around to face Colby. He walked up to me and placed his hand on my cheek, "you're okay." He whispered and kissed my forehead. I nodded and leaned down to pull Mia out of her car seat. She fussed a little when I woke her up but she calmed down as I held her to my chest. "Welcome home sweet girl." I said and rocked side to side as Colby watched with a smile.

I placed her in her crib as she fell asleep again. Colby wrapped his arms around me from behind as we watched her. "We did it. We really did it." He mumbled quietly as he pressed his cheek against my head. "we really did." I said quietly and turned around in his arms. We shared a moment of just staring into each other's eyes, as my fingers laced through his hair. "You're really beautiful." He said and brushed my hair behind my ear, "shut up," I giggled and stepped away from him, putting a teddy bear in Mia's crib with her.  "I mean it." He said and grabbed the baby monitor as I turned the light off and closed the door.

I hated leaving her alone but the doctors suggested we do that for our own sanity.

I walked into our bedroom which was right next door and Colby closed the door, before grabbing my arm and pulling me to him, I giggled as he leaned in and kissed my neck. "Colby stop it." I giggled out as he lightly bit at it with his teeth. "I missed this." He mumbled against my neck and placed kisses up to my jawline. "We kiss all the time." I said as he kissed below my ear. He smirked and pulled away, "I want to do more than kiss you." He said and wrapped his arms around my waist so he could grip my butt in his hands, "hmmmm I seem to recall telling you we would never have sex again." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck, "did you mean it?" He said lowly as he dipped his head down to kiss my neck again. "No, but we can't right now. They want us downstairs." I said finally taking a step back.

"Fine. But later? You're all mine." He said and I rolled my eyes playfully, "you're impossible" I said and walked to the closet. I changed into sweats and pulled my hair up in a bun as I desperately tried to push down the feeling of emptiness that was on my mind.

We walked down the stairs to meet our friends in the kitchen. At the table there were two settings, with candles in the middle of the table. "What's this?" I asked and pointed to the table. "We wanted to treat you guys to a little date night, since it's been a crazy week." Sam said and pulled one of the chairs out, gesturing with his head for me to come sit down. I frowned, "you guys are too nice.." I said and sat down.

Colby sat across from me, "no, you two have been through a lot, you deserve this." Kat said and put down two glasses of water. "Let us treat you guys...ya know as a welcome home gift." Devyn said and set down some bread. "Yeah we knew you wouldn't want to leave Mia so we brought the restaurant to you," Jake said and handed us each a 'Menu' which only had two things on it but it was cute nonetheless.

"You guys are the sweetest...seriously." I said and pouted at them as Corey put down a salad in front of both of us. "Call is if you need us." Kat said and they all dispersed.

"How did we get so lucky?" I asked Colby as he shook his head, "no idea." He said with a chuckle. As I went to open my mouth, Mia's cries sounded from the baby monitor sitting next to us on the table. We both started to get up when I smiled at him, "sit down, I got her. I'll be right back." I said and I'm kissed him before making my way upstairs.

Her cries always broke my heart, "what's wrong little girl?" I asked and picked her up, cradling her against my chest. She cried as I bounced her, singing a little lullaby. I sighed after a couple minutes when she didn't cool down. "Are you hungry?" I asked and checked the book that we used to log her feedings. "You probably are. Okay sweetheart." I whispered and sat in the rocking chair in the corner of the room.

I didn't realize how long we had been sitting there as she fed. I was so lost in thought as I ran my fingers through the little amount of hair on her head. "You're such a good mom." Colby said from the doorway, which he was leaned up against. "I'm trying to be." I whispered and looked up when I realized Mia had fallen asleep on my chest. "I'm serious. You're so good at it, Mia is really lucky to have you." He said and looked at me with so much love I could feel my chest warm up. "You're a good dad." I said as I slowly stood, to put her back in the crib. As soon as she was out of my arms Colby pulled me to him, "I love you." He said, his voice a couple octaves lower. "I love you too" I whispered as I heard him chuckle.

He picked me up with no warning and walked to bedroom, causing me to giggle. "Colby our dinner." I mumbled against his lips as he started trying to pull my shirt off.

"Dinner can wait." He growled and attached his lips to mine once again.

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