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I went upstairs to get Mia changed into her cute little swimsuit so we could go for a swim with everyone. We decided to get a heater for our pool since we loved swimming in it so much, so even though it was November we could still swim comfortably.

Once she was changed I laid her on my bed and grabbed her hands wiggling them around to make her giggle,

"I love you sweet girl." I said quietly as she giggled up at me. I could watch her smile up at me every minute of every day and I wouldn't get tired of it.

She kicked happily and giggle loudly as I leaned down and blew on her belly making a funny noise, "what is going on in here?" Colby asked with a laugh as I looked up at him. "Just some mommy daughter time." I said and looked back at her as she looked at me with so much love.

"If I wasn't already marrying you I would ask you to marry me right now." Colby said as I giggled. When I went to turn my head I felt another sharp pain in my head. "I would say yes again." I said ignoring it and leaning forward to kiss his cheek.

"Watch her while I get changed?" I asked and let go of Mia's hands. "Of course." He said and I scurried off. When I went into the closet I caught a look at myself in the mirror and something was off. Maybe I was just tired but the circles under my eyes were much darker than before. I shook my head and went to find a bathing suit, I decided on a simple white one and put it on, then grabbed one of Colby's shirts so I could put it on when I was done swimming.

When I walked out into the bedroom Colby was laying on his back with Mia raised up in the air above him. She was laughing and wiggling with joy which sent my heart into overdrive.

I just leaned against the doorframe and watched them until Colby looked up to see me. His eyes traced my body as he sat up. "Stop, you make me feel naked when you do that." I said with a giggle and covered myself up with my hands. "You're beautiful." He said and got up to walk to me. As he did another huge shock of pain filled my head. Maybe I should start to be concerned.

Not tonight.

I didn't want to worry them anymore.

"You okay?" Colby asked as I shook my head quickly, "I'm good, come on. I think this little girl wants to swim." I said and took Mia into my arms as Colby looked at me cautiously, "I'm alright. Hurry up and get changed or I'm leaving you up here." I said and stuck my tongue out at him.

He just chuckled and walked into the closet as I bounced Mia. I danced around the room with her until I got overwhelmingly dizzy. "Ooooh." I breathed out and sat on the edge of the bed as Mia looked at me cautiously. I think she could sense I wasn't feeling the best because she started crying.

"No, hey! I'm okay little one. See I'm okay!" I said and smiled at her as Colby came out wearing his swimming trunks that had hearts all over them. "She okay?" He asked and care over, "yeah, I think she's just getting impatient, let's goooo" I said and stood up, ignoring the pain in my head as I danced with Mia in my arms again.

"You're acting crazy are you sure you're okay?" Colby asked with a laugh as he put his hand to my forehead, "what? I'm not allowed to be energetic after I wake up from a 24 hour nap?" I asked and pushed his hand away playfully as Mia hit my chest happily.

"I don't think it counts as a nap at that point but I'm just glad to see you're happy." He said as we made our way outside. "As you should be, you know what they say! Happy wife happy life!" I yelled and he laughed, "You're not my wife yet though." He said as I shrugged, "no, but I might as well be." I said and walked outside.

When we got down to the pool Sam, Jake, and Corey were having a cannon ball competition as Tara, Kat, and Devyn were off in the corner filming tik toks. All of the parents and Michelle were in the hot tub talking, "you know we have some pretty amazing people in our lives." I said quietly and nudged Colby with my shoulder. "Yeah I'd say so." He said as we walked to the stairs of the pool.

Mia giggled as I walked to the edge feeling the pain in my head intensify slightly.

Maybe I just needed to sit down.

I was fine.

"You can go hang out with the guys if you want, Mia and I are just going to relax over here." I said and lowered myself into the water. "Okay, but just call me over if you get bored." He said as Mia slapped the water with her hands "I won't get bored with this little cutie in my arms." I cooed at Mia who giggled. She was really the happiest girl alive.

Colby went over and goofed around with the guys as I splashed with Mia, singing nursery rhymes to her.

Kat eventually came over by where we were, "hey, how are you feeling?" She asked as she walked in the water. "I feel fine." I said and shrugged, "you excited for tomorrow?" She asked and I smiled. It made me so upset that it was technically Thanksgiving today and we didn't do anything, but my heart was warm at the thought that everyone knew it was important to me so they waited to do things.

"I'm so excited! Thanks for waiting for me, I'm glad I bounced back in time for it..well I mean almost in time for it." I said with a sigh as Mia rested her head on my chest, I probably had to take her to bed soon.

"We couldn't celebrate without you Cora, you're part of this family and we couldn't just leave you out of it." She said and smiled as I kissed the top of Mia's head. "I love you." I whined as tears pricked my eyes. "I love you too, I'm so glad we met." She said and hugged me, "thank god for java cafe." I said with a watery laugh and brought my hand to my eyes, to wipe the tears that were about to fall.

After about an hour I had to take Mia upstairs to get a bath, and to put her to bed.

She was always so sleepy after swimming so baths were really easy as she just laid there and let me wash her hair, whereas usual baths needed a lot more stimulation and attention.

Once she was clean I lifted her out of the water and turned to leave the bathroom. My head started throbbing for a second.

Hold on. Where am I?

I shook my head and let out a deep breath.


"That was weird." I breathed out and made my way to the nursery, shaking my head. Maybe I shouldn't wait to tell them about what's going on.

No, I was fine still, I just had a moment.

I'm fine.

"Let's get you to bed little one." I whispered to Mia as I walked down the hall, "hey beautiful, you putting Mia to bed?" Colby asked as he followed me to the nursery, "yeah, she's sleepy." I said and looked up at him with a smile. "You're such a good mom, have I told you that recently?" He asked as I laid Mia down and wrapped her blanket around her.

"You tell me all the time." I whispered and turned to him. He just smiled at me, "I just love reminding you." He said and kissed my head.

"I love you," I whispered and closed my eyes as he rested his forehead on mine, "I love you too. Let's go to bed, we have a big day tomorrow." He said and grabbed my hand.

You would think I wouldn't be tired after sleeping for so long but I surprisingly was. "Can we go grocery shopping tomorrow morning? I want to make a pie." I said as we got changed into comfortable clothes.

"Of course we can, but only if it's pumpkin pie." He said with a laugh. "Of course it will be pumpkin pie. What do I look like? A monster?" I asked and he laughed, "only when you're giving birth." He said causing me to gasp and slap his arm. "Sorry! It's true though and you can't deny it." He said and I laughed as we slid into the bed, "yeah, you're right." I mumbled and rested my head on his chest.

"Goodnight beautiful girl, I'll see you in the morning." Colby said and wrapped his arms around me, "see you tomorrow." I said and closed my eyes.

I couldn't wait until tomorrow.

It was going to be a good day.

I was sure of it.

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