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Colby's POV

"Foods ready!" Devyn sang from the other room. I smiled as Cora gasped happily next to me, "I love pancakes." She said and giggled, "we know." Sam and I said at the same time. We helped her up and slowly made our way to the kitchen, everyone was setting up the table when they looked up and smiled at us, "can we sit outside?"  Cora asked timidly, "that's a great idea." Kat said and started to gather up the plates again. I smiled and led her outside, sitting her on the couch that was out there, "what do you want to drink? I'll go grab it for you." She smiled up at me with the most beautiful smile I had ever seen, "I'll have a water please." She spoke softly and looked over at Katrina who was carrying a plate of pancakes out to where we were.

I walked inside and pulled Sam aside, "brother I have to talk to you." I said as he scrunched his face with confusion, "what's up are you okay?" He asked with an equal amount of confusion. "I'm proposing to Cora." I blurted out causing his eyes to widen, "woah! Now?" He asked and I shook my head, "no, I want to wait until she's healed fully but I got her dad's blessing," I said with a smile remembering how the conversation went.

"What did you need to ask me, Colby?" Mr. Williams said as we made our way down to the cafeteria. "I wanted to ask you for your permission to take Cora's hand in marriage." I said quietly but with confidence. He stopped dead in his tracks causing me to turn to him, "you're serious?" He asked with an amazed smile on his face, "yes. I want to make her mine forever, this whole thing showed me that I never want to live a day without her by my side." He smiled, "well, you have my blessing. Hell, I already put the ring on your finger." He said with a laugh and pointed to my left hand, which still had my Cartier ring placed on my ring finger. "Thank you." I said and hugged him in the middle of the hallway, he laughed. "Thank you for taking care of her when I couldn't." He said as I smiled.

"Dude that's insane! I'm really happy for you, Colby." Sam said and gave me a hug. "She hasn't said yes yet though don't get too excited." I said with a chuckle. He rolled his eyes, "she's gonna say yes though, how are you gonna do it?" He asked and I shrugged, "no idea...but I think I need everyone's help." I said and he nodded, "whatever you need brother. We got you." He said then gave me a bro hug.

We went outside before anyone could notice we were gone. I set Cora's drink in front of her and she smiled, "thank you." She said so softly and looked around, I watched her as she watched everyone intently, as if she was taking in every detail of everyone's faces and all of their manorisms. I saw a happiness in her eyes that warmed my chest. She had been through so much, and this was the happiest I had seen her since the accident. "You gonna eat?" She said softly when her gaze met mine, "yeah, and what about you miss pancake? You haven't even touched yours yet." I said and she scrunched her nose playfully, "I just wanted to take in this moment with no distractions." I nodded and smiled at her as she grabbed the strawberry syrup and drizzled it on her pancakes.

"So have you guys thought of any baby names yet?" Kat said and looked at Cora and I. "We haven't really talked about anything. What do you guys think?" Cora said and smiled at everyone. God, I loved that smile.

"I think you should name her Tara." Tara said and stuffed her fork in her mouth, "you would want to name her Tara." Devyn said and rolled her eyes playfully. "I still vote you name her Shrek." Jake said causing me to roll my eyes, "no brother, maybe Fiona though." I said and Cora shook her head, "no, we are not naming our daughter after an ogre." She said with a giggle, "what about Mia?" Kat said and Cora's face lit up, "I really like that one." She said and put her hand on her chest. The girls gushed about how cute the name was but I just watched Cora as her cheeks heated up with joy. I loved her so much more than I ever thought was even possible. As she would talk to the girls and would sneak looks at me and smirk every time, which sent warmth through my whole body.

After we ate, the guys and I cleaned up as the girls caught up with Cora. I told Jake and Corey about me wanting to propose to Cora and they were really excited for me. I couldn't believe I was going to be the first to propose and have a kid. I always thought either I would be last or it would never happen to me. I would have to remember to thank Kat again for bringing Cora into my life. There was a small pit of doubt that she would say no. I knew she probably wasn't ready to get married yet but I didn't care if we actually got married in ten years or if we got married tomorrow I just wanted to have her forever.

Everyone decided that we should have a movie night since it was the first day of Cora being back and she loves movies so much. The girls helped her get inside as Jake, Corey, Sam, and I set up the movie room. I heard a loud thud from outside the room and panicked screaming. All of us rushed out to see Cora, Tara, and Kat on the ground, "oh my god! I'm so sorry guys! I lost my balance!" Tara said as I rushed over. Strangled noises were coming from Cora's mouth, "hey, it's okay." I said and crouched down to comfort her. As I turned her over so she was facing me I realized she wasn't crying, but instead she was laughing hysterically. "What's so funny?" I said and looked at Kat who was also hysterically laughing, "Tara just....she's tripped on her own feet...sending us all tumbling down." She said in between laughs. "WOOO, okay yeah. That was a good one." She said and held her hands out to me so I could help her up. "You're not in pain?" I asked and lifted her up off the ground. "Oh yeah no, that hurt like a bitch but it was still really funny." She said and wiped under her eyes. "Yeah babe, I think you might need to get me some ice or something that really hurt." She said looped her arm around me so I could support her weight. "Okay, let's get you into the movie room then I'll get it for you." I said and started to walk, "don't worry about it Colby, I'll get it for you." Corey said and jogged to the kitchen.

We all got comfortable in the movie room, after finally deciding on what to watch. I held Cora with one arm and put my hand on her belly, rubbing little circle onto it with my thumb, every once in a while she would kick sending a warm feeling through my chest. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that this was my life. I was living in a house with my best friends, and my beautiful girlfriend who was pregnant with our beautiful daughter. It felt like everything was really coming together for me. I had the perfect life.

And I couldn't wait for it to get even better.

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