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The first night alone was rough.

Mia fussed all night, leaving me sobbing in the kitchen as I waited for the milk to thaw. "Oh no, Cora what's going on?" Kat asked groggily as I just blubbered. "She won't calm down and nothing...nothing is working." I sobbed as she pulled me into her, "I'm so tired Kat.." I whispered into her shoulder, "okay, I'm here to help you. Where do you want me?" She asked and pulled her hair into a bun. I wrapped my arms around her, I was so grateful for her. "Um...can you finish heating the milk...I don't like her being up there without me." I said and sniffled, trying to pull myself together. "Okay. I just test it on my hand right?" She said and I nodded, "yes. It's just gotta be warm, if it burns your skin it burns her." I said then turned to go upstairs.

When I went into the nursery I grabbed Mia and bundled her in her blanket, "okay sweet girl, Kat is warming up your milk, will you try to sleep for her?" I asked and danced around the room, losing my mind slightly. "What are you doing?" Kat giggled and came up with the bottle, she was also carrying her keyboard. "I'm going crazy. Why do you have a piano?" I asked and grabbed the bottle from her, then sat in the rocking chair.

"I thought maybe singing to her would help." She said and I nodded, I hadn't even thought of that. Mia refused to even take the bottle as she screamed. I frowned and looked up at Kat as she set her piano up. "Let's try this." She said then cleared her throat before starting the lullaby she wrote for Mia.

Not even seconds into singing it, Mia stopped crying and just stared at her with amazement in her eyes. "Oh my god, never stop." I breathed out and pulled Mia into my chest, rubbing her back gently as we rocked in the chair. Kat had to sing the song four times before Mia finally fell asleep. "Thank you." I whispered to Kat as she smiled softly at us. "You're welcome. I'm going back to bed." She said and picked up her piano.

Mia slept through the rest of the night and I just slept on the nursery floor. I woke up to my phone ringing at 1 o clock.

"Hello?" I grumbled into the phone. "Hey beautiful." Colby's voice rang through the phone, "did I wake you?" He asked and I rubbed my eyes, looking up at the crib to see Mia sleeping. "Yeah. We had a rough night." I said with a yawn, "I'm so sorry love, did the girls help at least?" He asked as I stood up, stretching my back out as it cracked. "Kat was the one to actually get her to sleep. She sang her the lullaby and it put her out almost instantly." I said and went to the bedroom, "that's good, are you gonna try and go back to sleep?" He asked and I just shook my head, "no, I think the girls want to do a spa day so I'm gonna shower quick before Mia wakes up again." I said and went straight to the bathroom to start the shower up. "Okay baby girl, I love you." He said and I smiled, "I love you too. Please be safe." I said and clutched the necklace he had given me for my birthday in my hand. "I will be, you be safe too, give Mia a kiss for me." He said which sent a shot of pain through my heart, "I will." I whispered then hung up.

When I walked down the stairs with Mia I smelled fresh baked cookies, "whoever is making those is the love of my life." I said then walked into the kitchen to see Devyn at the oven pulling them out. "Look who finally came down." Tara said and sipped on her water as she sat at the island, "I was up all night with this one." I said and gestured to Mia who was staring at Tara with her big eyes. "Yeah, I love Mia but having kids just isn't it. You look exhausted." She said and I smirked, "which is exactly why we need to have a spa night." I said and Devyn squeeled, "I already have everything set up! I was thinking we do face masks and foot soaks, order some food, then watch a movie." I nodded, "sounds good to me! Where's Kat?" I asked and bounced Mia. "Oh she's taking a shower, she should be out soon." Tara said and stood up to bounced with me.

We spent the night laughing a goofing off, which felt good to do since I haven't really be able to have a good time like this since Mia was born, but she hung out with us and we had a great time, doing face masks and foot soaks, I eventually had to put Mia upstairs so that we wouldn't wake her up when we watched the movie.

We ended up ordering pizza and watched The Notebook. I couldn't stop thinking about how happy I was to have these girls in my life.

About halfway through the movie we heard this loud crash from outside the door, "what the fuck?" Tara asked as I sat up. "Do you think someones pranking us?" Kat said as we all looked around the room. Another loud crash was heard but this time our phones notified us that the silent security alarm went off, making my heart fall to my ass. "Oh my god Mia." I said and got up quickly, "Wait!" Devyn hissed and pulled at my arm, "what if someone's out there?" She asked and I shook my head, "what if someone's out there and my baby is upstairs. I have to go get her." I said and started to shake her off but Kat grabbed my other shoulder, "you can-" she started but was interrupted by more loud noises outside of the door. "I have to go get her. I don't care what happens to me, I can't leave her up there." I said and yanked them away, "Cora no! Please dont...the police are probably on their way since the alarm went off..." Tara said and I shook my head as the sound of glass shattering filled my ears,

"I can't leave her up there. Please understand." I said and quickly pulled my arms away from theirs and ran to the door. "Lock this behind me." I said and opened it before they could argue.

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