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"Colby I swear if you are late I'm going to kill you." I said to him over the phone as I stood in the foyer with Mia in my arms. We had a meeting with the DJ for our reception, but Colby was off filming with Sam. "Relax Cor, we are down the street." He said with a laugh and I rolled my eyes, "Mia is getting fussy, she's never going to sleep through this. She's teething really bad today." I said already feeling the exhaustion creeping up.

"Do you have the teething toys with you?" He asked and I looked down at the bag I was holding to make sure, "yeah I have them." I breathed out as Mia fussed in my arms. "Okay I'll be there in a minute, hang tight." He said then hung up.

"It's okay sweet girl, I know it hurts." I mumbled as I pressed my lips to her head. She just cried and reached up at me, taking a handful of my hair into her hands.

I frowned and looked up to see Sam and Colby coming in, "oh princess." He whispered and took Mia from me. "How long has she been fussing like this?" He asked as I fished out her favorite teething toy, "all morning." I breathed out and handed the toy to her. She immediately put it in her mouth but let out a few more sobs. I breathed out a sigh as I pulled out my phone to check the time, I must have looked flustered because Colby put his hand on my arm, "you're doing a great job." He said and I nodded.

"I hate feeling so helpless." I said and opened the front door. "This is just part of having a baby, the best we can do is comfort her through it. Everyone goes through pain." He said as we went to the car. We were of course running late so I got in the car and started it while Colby strapped Mia into her car seat. She was still making little noises notifying us she was upset, which broke my heart. "I know everyone goes through pain, but she's so innocent she shouldn't be going through that." I said with a sigh as I pulled out of the driveway. "Trust me if I could take her pain away I would." He said and reached over to take my hand.

I drove us to the venue where we were meeting the DJ. Today we had to decide when we were doing things and what songs we were dancing to. We didn't really talk about it at all so I was curious to see what we came up with.

As soon as I pulled into the parking lot Mia started screaming again. I frowned and looked over at Colby, he gave me a reassuring nod and squeezed my hand before getting out of the car.

"We have to calm her down before we talk to this dude or he's gonna think we can't control our kid." I said as he pulled her out of her seat, bobbing her up and down. He held the toy in her mouth for her as she looked at me with watery eyes. "It's okay Mia, do you want us to sing to you?" I asked and held her hand as she reached it out to me.

I started singing and Colby joined in bouncing her to the beat of the song. She eventually started giggling as she chewed on the teething toy. I reached my thumb up and wiped her tears before looking at Colby, "let's go before she starts up again." I said and set up the stroller in case she fell asleep.

"Hey! You must be the bride and groom!" The tall brunette said as he walked up to us, I shook his hand, "yep! I'm Cora, this is Colby, and our daughter Mia joined us." I said as Colby shook his hand. "Sorry if she gets a little fussy, she's not having a good day." Colby said as Mia looked cautiously at the guy, "I totally understand, I have three kids at home. By the way my name is Alex, and we are going to make this the best reception ever." He said and I nodded, already really liking his style.

We spent the next couple hours planning out when each of the events would take place. We would come in and be introduced then we would all sit for dinner, in between courses Sam and Kat would do their toasts. I had to figure out how I was going to get Mia fed during the wedding because my dress surely wouldn't allow for me to be pumping or feeding her but that seems like a problem to think about later.

After dinner we would open the dance floor and let people dance and socialize for about an hour, then Colby and his mom would dance to 'What a Wonderful world' by Louis Armstrong because his mom used to play that song for him all the time. Then right after I would dance with my dad to "Sweet Pea" by Amos Lee.

It took me forever to come up with a song to dance with my dad to. Before Colby he was the only person in the world that cared about me. He was my best friend and I wanted to make sure I picked a song that was good enough to describe our relationship.

I remembered when my mom first left us, he pulled out the guitar I didn't even know he had and he would play Sweet Pea. It was right after he promised he would never leave me or turn his back on me.

I was already getting a little emotional thinking about dancing with my dad to that song on my wedding night.

"That's perfect. Once you two are done dancing, Colby will come up and you guys will do your first dance as a married couple. What song were you thinking?" Alex said and looked at Colby and I.

I pursed my lips and looked at him, "we haven't even talked about this once." I said with a laugh and he smirked, "yeah, I haven't even thought about it honestly. What about perfect? We always dance to that." He said and I shook my head, "no, that's too cliche..and plus we always dance to it so it wouldn't be all that special." I said with a sigh.

I went through every song I know and just couldn't figure out which one would be good enough. Colby sat there silently also thinking deeply about this. It was silent for what felt like forever before Mia started fussing again.

"Let me take her outside for a minute, to give her a change in scenery. You keep thinking." I said and grabbed Mia from Colby. He smiled and kissed her cheek before handing her over, "I'll be right back." I said and bounced Mia.

Once we got outside I pulled her into my chest as she cried. "It's okay sweet girl. I know it's hurting but you'll be okay." I said quietly as I bounced her, "look at the birds." I whispered and pointed up at the birds zipping past. She looked up and let her eyes follow them. I wiped her cheeks off as she stopped crying, being hypnotized by the new noises. "That's my girl." I said and bounced her a couple more times.

She just watched the birds for a while as I watched her eyes slowly start to close. "Go to sleep little one. It won't hurt when you sleep." I whispered and rocked her, trying to get her to close her eyes. She eventually did and I slowly made my way inside. Once I got back to where they were I put Mia in the stroller so she could sleep.

"Have you thought of any songs?" I asked as I laid a blanket over Mia.

"What about ocean eyes?" He asked with a smile as my heart stopped. That was the song that really started our relationship, I'm surprised I didn't think of it. I was so glad that Colby did.

"It's perfect."

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