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I groaned as I opened my eyes, but immediately closed them again hissing in pain. "Colby?" I mumbled, still squeezing my eyes shut. No answer. "D-dad??" I whimpered as the pain in my head intensified slightly. No answer. I blindly reached to the side of the bed and clicked the call button. A couple minutes later a deep voice spoke up, "hey Cora, how are you feeling?" I groaned, "where's Colby? A-and my dad?" I could feel my cheeks getting wet from the tears that escaped my eyes. "They can't visit right now. Are the lights bothering you?" He asked and I nodded.

The harsh red hue from the lights turned into a dull blue, causing me to slowly crack my eyes open. "W-what happened? Where are they?" I whispered, taking in my surroundings, I was in a completely different room, and I was alone. There was a weird device that was wrapped around my belly, and I had wires attached to my head, "you had a pretty bad seizure, we lost you for a minute there. We are monitoring you very closely so it won't happen again. Your baby is still doing great though, I told your husband that she's a miracle." I smiled slightly at him calling Colby my husband but then my mind quickly shifted to the actual information he told me. My mind began to race.

I died? Did my dad and Colby even know that I was alive? I had so many questions. Was I okay? When would I get to see dad and Colby? Why couldn't I see them now? If the baby was okay then why was there a monitor on my belly?

"Cora, you need to relax a little." The nurse said as the constant beeping I was hearing sped up. "Where's Colby?" I whimpered and put my hands on my belly, "he went home, you can't have visitors right now." He said but I shook my head, which only made the pain worse, "n-no...I need him here." I cried and started to shake, "I'm serious you have to calm down, your body can't handle another seizure, so unless you never want to see them again I suggest you take a deep breath." He was right, but the ache in my heart wasn't dulling at all. I took a deep breath in, "when can I see him?" I sniffled and continued to rub my belly. "When you're strong enough, we can't have anything triggering another seizure, you should get some rest right now anyways. The more you rest the faster you can see them." He said and I squinted at him, looking at his badge,

"my name is Trent if that's what you're looking for." He said and winked at me playfully. I would have had a snarky response but my head was pounding. Every bone in my body ached, and I was afraid to move because I was worried about how fragile my daughter was. Trent had left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts again. I wish Colby was here with me, he would kiss me and tell me I was gonna be okay.

The next couple hours were torture, I couldnt sleep even if I wanted to. My whole body was hurting, all the way down to my heart. I caught myself crying at how hard this probably was for my dad and Colby, it was probably just as hard for them, "hey sweetie how are you feeling?" One of the nurses that I recognized said as she came in, "hey Meghan." I croaked out, emotion bubbling in my chest. "What's wrong love? I know it hurts but there's something else bothering you I can tell." I let in a shaky breath. "I..I just need Colby." I whispered feeling absolutely pathetic. I wasn't dependent on him necessarily and I could get through this without him but I also ached for his comfort right now. He made me feel so much stronger just by being around me.

"I know honey, I know this can't be easy to go through alone but it's for the best, we can't have you getting upset again like you did before. We just have to be really careful." I shook my head slowly, "what if he doesn't come back for me though..t-they sent him home. What if he just f-forgets about me." I blubbered feeling ridiculous as Meghan came up and wrapped her arms around me. "Shhh, you're getting upset for no reason sweetheart." She said softly as I bawled, "I'm such a problem in his life maybe this is the best thing to happen to him. It's the golden opportunity to leave me." I cringed at the words I was saying. I knew they weren't true but I was just so overwhelmed with emotion that I couldn't help but breakdown.

"Cora, stop it. You're getting yourself upset for no reason! That boy went home but it only lasted a couple hours, he's asleep in the waiting room right now. He physically couldn't stay away! I don't even really know you two that well but I have never seen two people be more in love." She said and rubbed my back. I froze, "h-hes still here?" I whimpered, "yes. The boy barely left, he couldn't stand the thought of being away from you and leaving you here."

"C-can I see him?" I asked as she pulled away from me, "I'm so sorry but no, not yet. We have to get you to a better place before visitors are allowed. I wish I could send him in sweetie I really do." She said as an intense pain rippled through my body away causing me to groan. My eyes darted to the monitor that was connected to the baby, "is she okay?" I whispered to Meghan, "she's fine, but you need to try and stay as relaxed as possible, otherwise she could go into distress. Just breathe." She said and rubbed my back gently, "I'm so scared" I admitted, trying to ignore the pain and relax.

"I know, but you're doing so good, just stay strong for us. I have to finish my rounds, but I gotta tell you a secret first." She said and put my clipboard at the end of my bed. "What's up?" I asked and she smiled, "you're my favorite patient," she said then winked and left the room.

I smiled at how crazy she was. She probably said that to everyone, or she was just saying it so I would calm down.

The truth was I was horrified, I just wanted to be home with my friends and my dad. I wanted to be hugged and kissed. I wanted to feel their love and warmth. Instead I was alone in a hospital bed, half dead.

I rubbed my belly, "we are gonna be okay." I whispered as tears pricked my eyes again. I didn't know if I even believed myself with how much pain I was in. I had to try though.

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