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"Please eat for mommy.." I mumbled as Mia refused to latch on. She hadn't been wanting to eat all day, which was starting to concern me a little bit. "Has she still not eaten?" Colby said and came into the nursery with a cup of tea for me. "No...I'm getting worried." I said and bit my lip looking up at him, "okay I'll give Claire a call, maybe she's just got an upset stomach still." He said and kissed my head as he rubbed Mia's back. "Okay." I whispered as he left to call her.

"Are you feeling sick little one?" I asked as she fussed in my arms. She whined as I sighed, pulling her away and wrapping her in a blanket. My heart ached as I watched her squirm in my arms. "Okay, she said to try and bottle feed her and if that doesn't work then we should bring her in." I looked at him with a frown. "Don't worry love, she said it's probably nothing." He said and took her from me so I could go heat up some milk from the freezer. It had been a couple days since she threw up on me so I was hoping he was right and that she was just being fussy.

I must have looked rough because when I went down the stairs Sam looked at me with wide eyes. "What?" I grumbled and made my way to the garage as he followed me, "how are you feeling?" He asked as I grabbed a thing of frozen milk from the freezer out there. "My kid won't eat. I can't sleep. I don't know what day it is. And I can't tell you the last time I ate. But other than that I'm just peachy." I said sarcastically and put some water on the stove to boil. Sam didn't say anything, he just pulled me in for a hug. I breathed out and relaxed into him, his hugs were warm and brotherly. "You take a seat, I'll make you something to eat real quick and I'll warm up the milk for Mia." He said and put his hands on my upper arms and backed me into one of the chairs that was at the island.

"You know how to heat up the milk?" I asked as he pulled out some stuff to make me a sandwich. "I think I can figure it out." He said and winked as he spread peanut butter on the bread in his hand, "do you think she's sick?" He asked and slid the sandwich to me once he was finished. "I'm not sure, she threw up on me a couple nights ago but she was fine until this morning when she refused to eat." I said and sighed taking a bite of food. "Can you make one of these for Colby too? I don't know when he has eaten either." I said as he watched the milk warm up. "You got it kiddo."

When I got upstairs I went to the nursery with the warm bottle of milk in one hand and Colby's sandwich in the other. I opened the door to see Colby sitting in the rocking chair shirtless with Mia laid on his chest. They both were sleeping which caused my heart to melt. I didn't want to wake them but I felt like I had to since we couldn't waste this milk.

I walked over and set the bottle down on the table next to the rocking chair then place my hand gently in Colby's cheek, "babe." I whispered but he didnt even flinch. I sighed and pulled Mia off of his chest slowly so that she wouldn't scream or cry. "Let's go to the bedroom then, yeah?" I whispered to her and picked up the bottle from the table, but left the sandwich for when he woke up.

When I walked into the bedroom I walked over to the couch, then settled in, holding Mia close to me. "Let's try this again" I said quietly and brought the bottle to her mouth. She looked up at me cautiously, giving me a look that reminded me so much of Colby. I smiled at her and nodded as she opened her mouth and took the bottle. "Thank god." I whispered as I heard a crash in the nursery, "BABE?!" Colby yelled frantically causing me to giggle a little, "I'm in here!" I said loudly and looked down at Mia who was staring at me as she ate.

"You scared the shit out of me!" He said as he came in holding the sandwich I left for him. "I tried to wake you but you were OUT." I said as he sat down next to me. "She's eating?" He said and took a bite of the sandwich, "yeah, I guess my boobs just weren't good enough for her today." I said and he chuckled, "hey, your boobs are great that's her loss." He said causing me to roll my eyes.

"Thanks for the sandwich, I didn't even realize how hungry I was." He said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in so my back was leaned against his chest a little bit. "Sam made it, he saw how disheveled I was and offered to help." I said as Mia finished her bottle. "That's my girl, good job." I cooed and kissed her cheek. "Shit, we need a burping cloth." I said and started to get up.

I was having this problem where if I got up too fast a searing pain would fill my head, but they said that would be happening for a couple weeks. "Ooooh" I breathed out when I stood up and felt the pain, "got up too fast?" Colby asked and I just nodded as I made my way back to the nursery.

"Did you pack for your trip yet?" I asked as he came into the room. He looked at me quizzically as I bounced Mia on my shoulder trying to get her to burp. "You want me to go?" He asked full of confusion, "well yeah, I told you..your career is important. I think it will be good for you to have some guy time anyways." I said as he smiled at me. The way he was looking at me right now sent a chill down my spine. He was looking at me as if I was the most precious and beautiful thing he had ever seen. "I love you." He whispered and came up, peppering my face with kisses all over the place causing me to giggle. "Stoooop" I whined and continued to giggle.

He let his kisses trail down my neck all the way to where Mia was placed. He kissed her head and then pulled away, "no, I haven't packed yet." He finally answered with a grin. "Well you better go do that, you leave tomorrow!" I said as Mia finally burped. I sighed with relief and cleaned her up as I sat in the rocking chair again.

"I will, I just want to spend some time with my girls." He said and took Mia from me. I chuckled, "yeah well this girl is probably going to take a nap." I said and pointed to myself as I grabbed the tea that he had brought me that was now cold. "I think this girl is also going to take a nap," Colby said and looked down at Mia who was slowly falling asleep in his arms. I smiled, "perfect. We nap, you pack. We will all spend time together later." I said and got up and made my way out of the room. I stopped and kissed him quickly but he pulled me to him, making the kiss last a little longer. "I love you." He whispered and pressed his forehead to mine, "I love you too." I whispered back and kissed him quick one more time before leaving the room.

I didn't realize how absolutely exhausted I was until I got into bed and fell asleep instantly.

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