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"What?" Colby asked he helped stand me up. "You're going to kill Michelle?" Dad asked with wide eyes, "no. I'm going to kill Stephanie." I said and started to walk away. "She's not here..." Colby said and I whipped around, "well where the hell did she go?" I asked and Michelle raised her hand, "I sent her home..." she said timidly, "why? Because she's a crazy psycho fan that tried to kill me?" I asked and watched Colby's expression change,

"whaaaat?" He breathed out, "so wait a minute. You remember?" Dad said and I nodded, "everything up until she knocked me out, so I lost what? 4 hours tops?" I asked and Colby bit his lip, "heh...about that..let's go upstairs real quick." He said as he walked up, putting his hand on the small of my back,

"Hold on. Where's Mia?" I asked and looked at my dad, "she's sleeping upstairs, she missed you." He said and I looked at him with confusion. "Missed me? How long were we gone?" I asked and Colby just smiled sadly at me, "come on. Let's go upstairs." He said and started pushing me gently towards the stairs.

As we walked a searing pain filled my head causing me to stumble over into Colby and wimper in pain, "are you okay?" Colby asked and held me up. "Why does my head hurt so fucking bad? If I just hit it against the wall?" I asked and he led me up the stairs,

"I don't know love, but I have to tell you something." He said as I stopped in the hallway, "can I see Mia?" I asked and he smiled at me, "of course you can." He said and led the way to the nursery, "hi sweet girl!" I cooed and walked to the crib. She giggled and reached for me.

"Hi sweetheart, oh I missed you too...even though I don't really know what's going on right now." I said and looked at Colby as he admired us.

"I'll explain everything don't worry baby girl." He said with a smile as Mia cooed in my arms. Colby eventually came over and wrapped his arms around both of us as Mia slowly started falling asleep.

"She hasn't been sleeping well since...well since you left." He said which sent a shock of pain through my head. I stumbled into him and tightened my grip on Mia. "Woah woah, okay, let's let her sleep so I can explain everything." Colby whispered and held me as I tried to balance myself.

"Yeah..yeah okay." I said and kissed Mia's head before putting her down. I had a weird feeling as we walked back into the bedroom, something wasn't quite right.

Colby stopped and pulled me into him and wrapped his arms tightly around me, "please just know that I'll love you forever." He whispered and I nodded, "I know that. I'll love you forever too, now please tell me what happened." I said causing him to nod and bring me over to the bed.

"There's really no good way to explain this but I guess I'll try." He said with a sigh. "You hit your head, and you have been having short term memory loss ever since...and it's been longer than you think." He said and I scrunched my face in confusion. "Oh god...what day is it? Did I miss Thanksgiving!?" I asked feeling the hysterics boiling up.

"No baby, Thanksgiving is tomorrow, you didn't miss it." He said and wiped a tear away from my cheek. "I'm so sorry...that must have been so scary for you." I said and placed my hand on his cheek.  I was trying to comprehend the idea of me being here and alert but not remembering any part of it. I was getting kind of freaked out thinking about it.

"I'm just glad you're back. You were so scared and upset all the time because you thought your dad was mad at you." He said as another shock of pain shot through my head. I gasped out and wimpered as I leaned forward and rested my head on his chest.

"Did the doctors say why my head is hurting so much? Do they even know? What if..what if something is wrong. What happened when you guys came into the room and saw me?" I asked as he played with my hair, "shh you're okay. You were on the ground unconscious, and Stephanie was just smiling in front of you. I wanted to kill her, the way she was looking down at you." He said and clenched his jaw.

"Melissa got so mad that she sent her home, she bought her a plane ticket almost immediately." He said and took a deep breath, "she was screaming that you hit her first, and that she was just using self defense, but nobody believed her because of the smile that was plastered on her face." He said as I leaned away from him.

"Do you think she did anything else to me when I was unconscious? I vaguely remember her saying she was going to kill me. That I was in the way of her having you." I said letting those words bounce around my mind.

"I don't know, this is all so confusing because the doctors said a fall like that shouldn't have caused any memory loss." He said and I nodded slowly. "What if she did something to me and I lose it again..." I whispered feeling the anxiety start to form again, "I don't think that will happen love, but I'm gonna call your doctor in a minute here, see if she can ease your mind about it a little bit." He said and I nodded,

We sat there in each others arms for a second before I finally spoke up, "when do we get to kill Stephanie though?" I asked and he grinned, "I'm down whenever you are." He said and kissed my forehead.

We talked for a little while longer before I decided I wanted to take a bath, and Colby wanted to call my doctor. The stinging in my head was seriously starting to concern me, I don't remember hitting my head that hard. I really shouldn't be struggling to even walk right now, "you okay?" Colby called out as I stumbled into the bathroom, "yeah...yeah I'm okay." I said and leaned onto the counter for support. What the hell was going on?

I turned the faucet on and sat on the edge of the tub with my head in my hands. My hands were shaking as the pain came back full force. What was going on?

"B-babe?" I called out trying to get Colby's attention but he didn't hear me over the running water. "C-Colby.." I said and got up to go find him.

The second I took a step I fell to the ground as a sharp pain filled my head.

Did I just make it worse?

"Cora?" I heard him call out as I curled up in a ball, grasping my head. "It hurts." I mumbled as he stopped the water in the tub.

"Hey, okay relax.." Colby said and pulled me into him. "I want to kill her. I want to fly to North Carolina and I want to punch that bitch in the face. I was happy and healthy. I was happy." I rambled as he held me to him. "I know baby girl, I know." He said as a shock of pain rippled through my head again.

Colby pulled my sweatshirt back on and lifted me up off of the floor. "What did the doctor say?" I asked as the pain subsided a little.

"She said your brain is probably trying to over compensate for the loss of memories. I have to give you one of your pills." He said quietly and I shook my head. "I don't want to miss Thanksgiving." I cried out as he laid me on the bed. "You won't, it's only 5 pm baby girl. You'll wake up before noon tomorrow." He said and kissed my head, which was still throbbing.

"You better be right about that, Brock." I said as he handed me the pill, and a glass of water. "You're going to wake up feeling better. Get some rest, I love you." He said and grabbed the water from me as the pills effects already started working.

"I love you too." I mumbled and let sleep overtake me.

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