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"Are you absolutely sure you want me to go? I can sti-" I groaned interrupting Colby as he slung his bag over his shoulder, "for the last time, COLE. Yes, I'm absolutely sure I want you to go on a trip for your job with your best friends. Just don't bring back any demons and we are fine." I said and kissed his cheek, "okay whatever you say, CORALINE."

I shook my head, "that's not even my name." I said and he rolled his eyes, "I know but you called me Cole so I couldn't just call you Cora." He said and smacked my ass as I turned to walk out of the room. "You have been so touchy lately, you wanna have another kid, Brock?" I asked coyly as he grinned, "with you? Absolutely." His voice was lower than normal, "pack it in, lets just handle this baby first okay?" I said and walked into the nursery.

Mia was kicking as she laid on her back in the crib, "look at my sweet little princess." Colby said and lifted her up. She cooed at his touch and smiled as he brought her to his chest. "Daddy is gonna miss you so much." He mumbled as he kissed her head. "She's gonna miss you too." I said and hugged myself with the cardigan I was wearing.

"And will you?" He asked with a smirk, "no." I said with a straight and raised brows, showing I was serious. I held that face for a second before smiling, "of course I will, you know I will." I said as he pulled me to him with his free arm. "I'm gonna miss you too. I don't like leaving you." He said as I wrapped my arms around his waist, just below where his arm was holding up Mia.

"You'll only be gone a couple days, we will get through it. When you get back though we probably need to start talking about our wedding." I said with a sigh and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I can't wait. I don't care what we do as long at the end of the day you're mine." I smiled and pulled away from him, "alright I think the guys are waiting for you downstairs." I said with a sigh already feeling the stress of him being away boiling up.

I grabbed his bag so he could hold Mia more securely as he went down the stairs. When we made it to the front door everyone was saying goodbye to eachother,

"I already talked to Kevin, he said if you guys need anything to just give him a call, that includes spiders." Sam said and looked over at me as Kat cackled, "it was HUGE Sam." She said and I nodded, "That thing was bigger than Mia." I said and pointed to her as she looked around the room with an amazed expression. "Whatever, if another Mia sized spider shows up, call Kevin." Sam said and put his bag onto his shoulder, before turning and walking out of the house. Jake and Corey followed as Colby handed me Mia, "I really need you girls to help Cora out, Mia can be a handful sometimes and it would be helpful if you guys would take some stress off of her." Colby said and the girls smiled sympathetically. "We got this! Don't worry about a thing Colby." Kat said and saluted him.

"Okay, I love you, call me whenever you need me. I don't care if it's 4am." Colby said and pulled me to him. He placed a tender kiss on my lips before bending down and kissing Mia's head. "I love you too, be safe." I said and and he walked out of the house as he waved to the girls.

As soon as he left I took a deep breath, "Don't worry Cora, we are gonna help you out, we won't let you crumble." Devyn said and rubbed my back. "Yeah I don't know, I guess we were uneasy because the last time they left we almost died." I said dryly as Mia squirmed slightly in my arms, "oh you remember that?" Kat said to Mia with a laugh. Mia fussed a little more and frowned, then eventually started crying. "I think she does." I said jokingly and bounced her.

"I'm gonna make us dinner, what are we thinking?" Devyn said and Tara jumped up and down, "pasta! I love a good pasta." She yelled as Kat gasped, "and garlic bread! Yes!!" I smiled at their enthusiasm and rocked Mia as she slowly stopped crying.

"What do you think little lady?" Kat asked and held Mia's hand with her fingers, "she only likes tit juice." Tara said and I laughed, "did you just call it tit juice?" I asked and she nodded, "what else is it?" She asked and Devyn, Kat, and I responded at the same time, "milk..." she rolled her eyes, " you guys are no fun." She said then turned to the kitchen and started pulling out the stuff for dinner,

"I kind of want to tucker her out now so she will sleep later, but I don't know how well that will work because I need to pump and can't really occupy her." I said and bounced Mia as she laid against my shoulder. "I'll play with her, you go ahead and pump." Kat said and reached to grab her. I nodded and whispered, "thank you." Before going upstairs.

I had a horrible feeling about the guys not being here, it just felt off. I knew it was just my anxiety spiking and that having them go on this trip was a good thing but my body ached with fear. Maybe I would call Kevin and just have him stay here just in case. No. We were strong independent woman, we can handle anything that might come at us while they were gone. I doubted anything would even happen. We weren't going to drive. We weren't going anywhere.

We were just going to be in our safe little bubble.

We would be fine.

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