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Colby's POV

I took a deep breath and looked over at my dad as I parked the car in the driveway. "I don't know how this is going to go but just..stay patient I guess." I said and dad smiled, "we are masters of being patient, we did raise you after all." He said with a laugh as we got out. Mom grabbed Mia and held her as we walked to the front door, I honestly didn't want to go inside. I didn't want to see her like this. It hurt so much to have her in front of me but have her for only a few seconds at a time. I wasn't annoyed though, I would explain the same thing to her over and over again for the rest of my life without getting annoyed but she didn't deserve to live a life like that.

Cora deserves to be able to experience her daughters first Thanksgiving, she deserves to be able to experience her wedding, and she deserves to be happy.

I took a deep breath and walked in, hearing sobs coming from upstairs, "hey! Colby's home, come on let's go say hey." I heard Sam say as he walked out of our bedroom. He looked down the little balcony at me and frowned. "Wait here." I said to my parents and went upstairs, "she's been having a hard time." Sam mumbled as I walked passed him.

"Hey baby girl." I said and walked up to her as she sat on the edge of the bed crying. "What's going on?" I asked and she shook her head, "I...I think dad is mad at me and...and you weren't here. Where were you?" She asked and looked at me with tears in her eyes. It hurt to see her hurting this bad, "your dad isn't mad at you love, we went to the store." I said and she shook her head, "why would you go to the store? We are supposed to talk to Stephanie." She said and I shook my head, I didn't even know how to respond to her anymore. I felt helpless, "let's go downstairs, then we can talk to Stephanie." I said and grabbed her hands.

"Do you think he's mad at me?" She asked as I held her hand tightly, "no baby, I don't think he is." I said as we made our way down the stairs. Cora paused and looked at my parents, "w-what are they doing here?! They are supposed to come tomorrow!" She yelled happily and ran down the stairs and into my moms arms, "hi sweetie." I heard my mom say as dad rocked Mia who was cooing at Cora. "Why are you here early?" She asked and grabbed Mia from my dad. "Um...." mom started then looked up at me.

"They wanted to surprise you! Yeah, they booked a. earlier flight to surprise you." I lied as she looked at me, "who?" She asked causing my heart to shift in my chest as she bounced Mia, "never mind." I breathed out as Cora's dad came in, "hey squirt! How are you feeling?" He asked and she frowned, "you're not mad at me?" She asked and he shook his head, "no, not mad. I love you." He said and came up to kiss her head.

She smiled at me, "can you find Stephanie? I have to apologize." I took a deep breath and shook my head, "come on...we need to talk." I said and she looked worried as my dad took Mia from her. I grabbed her hand and led her to the couch,

"What's going on?" She asked and I smiled softly, "what day do you think it is?" I asked and she scrunched her brow, "November 24th...?" She asked with confusion lacing her voice, "what if I told you, it was was actually the 25th." I said and she shook her head, "no. It's the 24th..we just got back from the concert..by the way thank you for that. It was sweet of you." She said and smiled at me, "and dad's on his way here with Michelle and Stephanie, I feel so bad for hitting her Colby." She said as her dad, Michelle, Sam, and my parents all came into the room.

"Don't feel bad, listen to me. Really listen okay?" I asked and she frowned, "what's going on? Are you okay?" She asked and put her hand on my cheek. I smiled slightly at her, "I'm okay, but just keep your eyes on me okay? You can't get distracted when I tell you this." I said and she nodded. There was a touch of fear in her eyes as she bit her lip.

"Your dad, Michelle, and Stephanie all came home already, they came home last night." I said as her face scrunched with confusion. "Um no, I think I would remember that." She said and shook her head, "Cora, listen. Stephanie hurt you. When you two went to talk it out, something happened and you hit your head." I said and rubbed her hands with my thumbs. "Do you remember any of that?" I asked as tears formed in her eyes,

"t-that's not nice." She whispered and shook her head, "what isn't nice?" I asked as she pulled her hand away to wipe her tears, "you're making me feel like I'm crazy. That didn't happen..I would have remembered something like that." She said but kept her eyes on me. "It happened baby girl, but you're not crazy. You're not." I said and brushed her hair back from her forehead. She just frowned and then looked away from me.

"Cora, look at me." I said and she let her eyes travel back to mine, "we should probably feed Mia before they get back. I don't know how long this conversation will last." She said and got up, "Cora..." her dad said as she started to walk out of the room, "hey, I'm so sorry about what I did daddy, I hope you're not mad." She said and my heart broke.

I felt so helpless as she had the same conversation she's had hundreds of times now with her dad.

"Colby?" She asked as I wiped my face of the fresh tears that had fallen, "yes love?" I said quietly as she frowned at me, "you're crying...are you okay?" She asked and I nodded, "I'm okay..come on." I said and grabbed her hand. "Where are we going we have to wait for them to come back!" She yelled and I just shook my head, "we are going to the hospital." I said as she pulled her hand from mine, "no we aren't." She said and glared at me. "Cora, baby please." I begged as she crossed her arms, "we have to wait here! They will be here soon...wait...where's Mia?" She asked and looked around.

I didn't bother answering as I grabbed her hand again and led her out of the house. I couldn't watch this anymore,  I needed to get her help.

I needed her to come back to me.

A/n: hi just a reminder to have patience my loves ❤️❤️

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