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"What are all those?" I said and gestured to the gifts and flowers, "oh they are from your friends, they dropped them off at the desk for you." Dad said and I frowned, "that's sweet." I said and teared up. "Speak of the devil," Colby said and held up his phone, showing me that Sam was trying to FaceTime. "You wanna answer it? They don't even know you're awake yet." He said and handed me the phone, I giggled, "yeah."

I clicked the green accept button and waited for the connection to go through, "hey Colby, hows it going th-OH MY GOD." He yelled when he saw my beat and battered face on the screen. "Guys! She's awake! Hey Cora! How are you feeling? We are so glad you're-" he started but was cut off by Kat, "CORA IM SO SORRY, Are you feeling okay? I'm so glad you're alive oh my god." I heard more commotion behind the phone as they both ran through the house finding the others. They all started talking to me at the same time, asking questions and expressing their gratefulness that I was okay.

I looked over at Colby, showing him that I was a little overwhelmed, "woah, okay guys!" He said and took the phone, "she just woke up like 20 minutes ago, she's still a little shell shocked." He laughed when they all shut up at the same time, "one at a time guys." He said and handed the phone back to me and I saw Sam's face on the screen. "How are you feeling kiddo?" He asked and I bit my lip slightly, "it hurts a lot." I admitted, "But I'm glad that I'm okay. And that the baby is okay." I said quietly, feeling the pain hit me all at once again.

I glanced over at Colby feeling my face scrunch up, causing his smile to fall. He grabbed the phone again, "hey dude, I know you're all excited to see her but I think she needs to rest now, she's just in so much pain, I'll call you guys back in a minute, okay?" I heard Sam shush everyone then laughed slightly, "it's okay, tell her she can call us when she's ready, and yeah I'll talk to you in a minute I guess then." He said then Colby hung up, "you okay?" He asked softly as he put his phone down.

"I'll be fine. I'm just feeling it all at once right now." I said as he grabbed my hand, "you hungry, squirt?" Dad asked and gestured to the McDonald's that he had, "am I even allowed to eat things like that?" I asked and frowned. I was hungry but I didn't even really know what my injuries were at this point. "Dunno." Dad shrugged and Colby sighed, "well I'm gonna call Sam, I'll ask about getting you some food when I'm out there okay?" I nodded as he stood up. He leaned down and kissed me then walked out of the room.

"I really do want a fry though." I said with a laugh but rejected it when he offered one. "It's probably fine to eat one Cor." He said but I shook my head. I didn't want to risk my babies life just for a simple french fry. I already risked her life enough. I can't believe we almost lost her. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself. As I thought about this the seering pain in my head came back at full force almost sending me into unconsciousness. I tried to ignore it as I stared forward. Why couldnt life just be easy and happy for one minute? Why did it always have to fall apart when I was at my happiest. Why couldn't I have just been a few cars ahead, so that person would have crashed into someone else. As horrible of a thought as it was, I wanted it to be true. I wanted Colby to surprise me and make me even happier than I already was, but instead I suprised him by almost dying.

I let out a shaky breath and looked at dad as tears filled my eyes, "You okay, squirt?" I shook my head, "no. It hurts so bad daddy." I said and let the tears roll down my cheeks. "Oh sweetie, you're so tough. They said you should be on morphine right now but they can't do that because of the baby, you're doing it without anything. You're gonna be okay. You have so many people behind you." He said and came up to hug me, "I just don't understand. Why did this have to happen." I sobbed out, ignoring the pain that was radiating through my entire body.

"I was happy again Dad. I was so happy, I had Colby, I had the baby, we moved into a beautiful house with all of our friends...how come I can't just be happy?" I sobbed and he tightened his grip, "I wish I had the answers for you...you have to calm down though, it's not good for you to be this worked up." He said and I shook my head, "I don't care!! None of this is good for me!! I'm half dead in a hospital bed!! I'm already such a bad mother because I almost KILLED MY BABY." I yelled as he hugged me tighter, "calm down Cora you didn't almost kill your baby," I shook my head, "I SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN IN THE CAR. I SHOULD HAVE JUST STAYED HOME!" I screamed  hysterically. "Cora! Please calm down!" My dad begged but it was too late.

My body began to shake uncontrollably, I could feel myself blacking out as my eyes rolled to the back of my head, my limbs now out of my control, "HELP! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!" Dad yelled as blackness overcame me.

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