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I stared at him for a second, my mind racing. Colby looked up at me with a hopeful expression as he held the ring out to me. It was gorgeous but simple, the round diamond glistening in the yellow hue of the sunset. He examined my face as he waited for my answer. I couldn't help the smile that was creeping onto my face.

"Yes." I whispered and watched as a beautiful smile bloomed on Colby's face.

"Yeah?" He asked and stood up, his eyes welling up with tears, I nodded, "yes!" I said as tears of my own formed. He laughed a little and put the ring on my finger, then pulled me in for a kiss.

This kiss was full of love, as we spilled out all of our emotions into it. It felt as if we were the only two people on the planet.

"Hey bro!!!" We heard causing us to break apart and look over to the bushes, "did she say yes?" Jake yelled causing me to playfully roll my eyes and hold up my left hand, "hell yeah brother!" He yelled making Colby laugh, "you guys can come out now." He called out causing everyone to pop out from the bushes, they ran up to us, attacking both of us with hugs.

"Let me seeee!" Devyn yelled and held my left hand up so she could see it. "I'm so happy for you guys!" Tara yelled and tackled me into a hug, which almost sent us to the ground. We would have toppled over if Jake hadn't caught us.

I was just being passed around, hugging each and every person, happiness filling my heart. As soon as nobody was in front of me I stepped away from the group, watching them all intently. They all looked so happy as they squeeled and hugged eachother. I saw Colby turn his head to look at me, his face radiating admiration as he held his hand out to me. I smiled and walked over, grabbing it. He pulled me into him, and kissed my temple. "Hey," he whispered and held me to him. "Hey." I whispered back as we watched our friends. Jake was chasing Tara into the ocean, Sam and Kat were sharing a sweet kiss and Devyn and Corey were goofily dancing together. Life couldn't have gotten better in this moment if it tried.

Colby brought his hand to my belly and rubbed it as the baby kicked. I giggled, "I think she's happy." I said and looked up at him, "I do too, are you happy?" He said and turned to face me fully, cupping my face with one hand, I nodded, "the happiest I have ever been." I whispered and raised up onto my tiptoes, pressing my lips to his. He wrapped his arms around my lower back and kissed me. I laced my fingers in his hair and smiled. I wanted to live in this moment forever.

When he pulled away and grabbed my hand. "Let's take a walk." He said quietly and led me down the beach. "I'm so lucky to have you." I said as we walked away from the laughter of our friends. He squeezed my hand gently, "I'm the lucky one." He whispered. I shook my head and looked at the ring again, "you did good babe." I said and admired the diamond as Colby led me to the dry part of the sand. "Kat helped me pick the perfect one." He said and sat in the sand, pulling me down with him, "that was a good move, did they think you two were getting married though?" I said with a laugh and he nodded, "yeah it was so awkward, but we set the record straight really quick." He said as I laid my head on his shoulder. We sat in silence just watching the sun set, the only sound around us was the waves crashing against the shore.

We were engaged. With a baby on the way. If you would have told me the first time I was at this beach that this is where we would be a year later I would have never believed you. "We should call my dad." I said with a smile and pulled out my phone, FaceTiming my dad.

"Hey squirt! Hey Colby!" He yelled as I held the camera up to our faces, "hey dad, I wanted to show you something real quick." I said and he smiled knowingly as I held my hand up, showing the diamond ring. "Congratulations guys!" He yelled happily, "thank you dad" I said and got teary eyed.  "Thank you for letting me do this Mr. Williams." Colby said causing me to snap my gaze to him. "Call me dad, Colby. And you're welcome, there's nobody I would rather have her be with." Dad said causing the tears to fully fall down my cheeks in blubbery sobs, "you- you asked for..you asked my dad?" I sobbed out as Colby wrapped his arms around me, "yes baby, when you were in the hospital. I knew how important it would be to you." Colby said as dad chuckled on the other end, "he didn't even need to ask, I put his ring on his ring finger at the hospital." Dad said causing me to sob more, "y-you did that??" I sobbed as Colby rubbed my arms, "yes! Those nurses were super strict about who was allowed back there and I sure as hell couldn't leave Colby out in the waiting room, I'm not sure he would have survived it." He said with a laugh. I had to hand my phone to Colby so I could wipe my face of the tears that we continuedly pouring down my cheeks.

There was something so special about seeing the two most important people in my life getting along so well. They went through something together that a lot of people don't have to, and it made their bond even stronger. "Don't cry beautiful girl," Colby said and wiped my cheeks with me, "I love you both so much." I sobbed out and leaned my head into his shoulder as he held the phone up to show our faces to my dad again. "We love you too sweetie, I'm gonna go so you two can enjoy this night but I'm so happy for both of you, love you." He said and I waved, "love you too, dad." Colby said causing me to burst into tears again. They were of course happy tears but I couldn't stop them.

We hung up and Colby pulled me into him again as he laughed lightly, "shhh its alright baby girl." He said and kissed my head. "I'm just so happy!" I blubbered out and leaned into him, "I know, I am too. The happiest I have ever been." He said and just held me.

We sat like that for what felt like hours. We just held eachother and watched the stars. Eventually our friends joined us and we all sat there talking about life and how happy we all were to be alive. We reminisced about all the good times we have had since being friends and just talked about the future. It was truly the perfect night and I have never been happier.

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