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I froze for a second, looking around the room with wide eyes. "You what?!" I yelled and felt my hands start to shake. "Baby I'll explain everything when I can, I only have a few minutes, can you hand the phone to Corey or Jake?" He asked and I nodded even though he couldn't see me. I slid the phone to Corey then got up and made my way to the fridge as he walked out of the room to go talk to Colby in private,

"What happened?" Kat asked as I pulled a bottle of wine out of the fridge and uncorked it, not saying a word. "Cora...you can't drink..stop." Kat said and tried to pull the bottle from my hands, "Cora!" She snapped causing me to flinch.

Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes, "don't do this right now... don't unwravel, tell me what happened." Kat said and pulled the bottle slowly out of my hands, "they got arrested again." I whispered feeling the fear boil within me, "what?!" Jake said and stood up as Corey came back in the room.

Everyone looked up at him, "I'm gonna go bail them out. Everyone stay here." Corey said and Kat threw the bottle wine in the sink causing it to shatter, "no! Cora and I are coming." She said and dragged me to the front door, "wait! I have to stay here with Mia.." I said and felt my heart seize up slightly, "shit. Okay, Corey and I will go, I'll keep you updated." Kat said and grabbed her jacket, then ran out of the house.

As soon as the door closed behind Corey, the anxiety in my chest grew. I wanted to go with them so bad, I wanted to get him out of there. I couldn't though. I had to be here with our daughter. I had to be a mom.

"Cora...." Devyn said softly and reached for my arm, but I pulled it back. "I'm gonna check on Mia." I said lowly and walked out of the room without even looking up. As I made my way up the stairs I could feel my body start to shake, what if something happened and I wouldn't see him again? What if he couldn't get out? What if someone hurt him?

I rubbed at my chest and stopped in the hallway, leaning against the wall as the tears started. I gasped for air and grabbed my head, desperately trying to keep it together. I didn't want anyone to worry about me, they needed to be worried about Sam and Colby.

"Cora don't do this." Devyn said as she walked up to me, "don't shut us out." She said and hugged me, "I'm trying to keep it together Dev, I'm really trying." I whispered into her shoulder, "I know you are, but it's healthy to be able to feel scared. Let's just check on Mia, then we can all watch a movie until they get back okay? Colby wouldn't want you worrying like this." She said and I nodded, "you're right..." I whispered and let her help me get to the nursery.

Mia was still sleeping soundly as I leaned over the crib to see her. I admired how calm she looked, amongst all the chaos that was going on around her, I took a deep breath and focused on that, I focused on the idea that if she was calm then I could be calm. I stared at her for another moment before turning to Devyn, "Okay, let's go." I whispered and started to walk out of the nursery.

When we got downstairs Tara and Jake looked at me with caution and I just plastered a smile on my face, "I'm okay guys, worry about the boys." I said and went to get some water, "we are worried about the guys but how are you holding up?" Jake asked and hugged me, "I'm okay, just uneasy...I don't like that Colby is in trouble and I'm just here." I said and frowned. Devyn opened her mouth to speak but my phone rang, interrupting her.

"Hello?" I answered and Kat sighed, "hey! We are almost to the jail I just wanted to check up on you." She said and I sighed, "I'm okay, don't worry about me. We need to come up with a plan though." I said quietly, "a plan for what?" She asked and I chuckled, "a plan for how we are going to beat the shit out of them for doing this to us." I said and she laughed, "I want in on that." Corey said and I laughed, "alright sounds good...please drive safe..and tell Colby I'm sorry for not being there when he gets out." I said and looked down, "I will, just try to relax until we get back okay?" She asked, "Okay." I said then hung up.

Jake and Tara did a great job at trying to distract me as they quoted the entire spongebob movie since that's what we decided to put on. "You guys are such losers for knowing the entire script." Devyn said as she wiped away her tears of laughter, "don't hate us cause you ain't us." Jake said as Mia's cries sounded from the baby monitor, "I'll be right back." I said and scurried out of the room.

Although they were good at distracting me, I could still feel the weight that was sitting on my chest. It had been an hour since Kat called me and I was getting nervous again, why was it taking so long for them to get back? Was Corey not able to bail them out?

I shook these thoughts as I made my way upstairs and to Mia's room, "hey sweetheart, did you enjoy your nap?" I asked and picked her up, rocking her slightly, she looked around the room as tears trickled down her cheeks. "I know I miss daddy too, but he's a little dumb and got arrested." I cooed and danced around the room trying to soothe her, "shhh it's okay love." I whispered and patted her back, as her sobs died down again. "That's my girl, let's get you a bath yeah?" I asked and went to lay her down in the crib so I could collect the stuff for her bath. "Mommy will be right back, I have to get something from the other room." I said and laughed at myself for constantly talking to a baby that didn't even understand what I was saying.

I walked out into the hallway and turned to go to the bedroom, as I opened the door I heard footsteps behind me causing me to jump.

When I turned around Colby was standing there staring at me with a dark purple bruise covering his left eye,

"Come here baby girl."

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