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"What the fuck is your problem?!" Stephanie hissed as everyone froze around us. "Don't fucking touch my fiancée." I snapped back as Aryia grabbed my arm, pulling me back as Stephanie lunged for me.

"Don't do this here. Not where you just performed." He warned and bent down to look into my eyes. "You're right." I said and clenched my jaw, turning away from her, when I turned around Colby was walking towards us, "hey Colby! Did you come to take out the trash?" She said causing me to whip around again, Colby's arms wrapped tightly around my waist as he quickly pulled me back so I couldn't hit her.

"Stephanie!" Michelle gasped out as Colby glared at Stephanie, "don't talk to her like that." He growled and pulled me away. I didn't get a chance to say anything else before I let Colby lead me back to my dressing room. Aryia was right. I shouldnt be doing this here.

"Cora!" Dad called from behind me as we walked into the dressing room.

Sam and Kat looked up nervously as Colby, my dad, and I entered the room. "Cora Elizabeth tell me what's going on!" Dad said causing my heart to stop. He sounded so angry and disappointed, "dad..." I breathed out and turned towards him. "It's my fault." Colby said and stepped up, "what is going on?" Dad asked again and closed his eyes.

"Stephanie came onto me at lunch. I told her I wasn't interested but she clearly didn't get the hint. I didn't tell Cora about it because I wanted tonight to be all about her and I wanted it to be special. Well, Stephanie cornered me in here at the end of Cora's set, and she came in and saw us. She obviously got upset and angry, but this is my fault." He said and dad just stared at us.

He closed his eyes and groaned, "I don't know what to do." Dad said as tears formed in my eyes, "I don't know dad." I whispered as Mia started to fuss. Sam got up and brought her over to me, then he and Kat left the room, giving us privacy.

"What you did was wrong, Cora." Dad said as I rocked Mia from side to side, "wait what?" I asked in shock, "I didn't raise you to hit people like that. I raised you better than that." He said with a disappointed tone. I suddenly felt really bad.

He was right.

"I know that...I know but dad, she came for my family. She tried to take away the only thing I have left." I said and looked down at Mia who was looking up at me with her big blue eyes. "Just don't do it again." He said with a sigh, "Why don't you two go home, I'll talk to the Michelle and Stephanie and see what we can work out. I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding." He continued calmly as I bit my lip and looked up. "We will go home, you guys enjoy the concert, we'll see you at home." Colby said and dad nodded, "see you there." He said and left the room.

As soon as he left I looked over at Colby with tears in my eyes. "Hey, no. You didn't do anything wrong." He said and came over to wrap his arms around me, "he hates me now too." I whispered into his chest, "no. No he doesn't, don't let your mind win." He said and kissed the top of my head.

"I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have hit her." I said and leaned away so I could look up at him. "Maybe that wasn't the smartest move, but you were angry. You weren't thinking straight." He said and brushed my hair behind my ear, "we are going to work things out. I'm not going anywhere near her anymore, we are going to be okay." He said and I nodded.

"Okay." I whispered and turned to start packing Mia's things up as I held her with one arm. Colby helped me and we got everything packed up pretty quickly.

As we made our way out to the car Sam and Kat stopped us, "you guys going home?" Sam asked and I nodded, "yeah. We need to put Mia to bed." I said and sniffled, feeling the anxiety creep up again. Sam just frowned and pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry she ruined your night." He whispered and rubbed my back. "It's okay. Everything always seems to be ruined for me." I said and turned as Colby followed me with Mia in his arms.

The drive was silent. Neither of us really knowing what to say. My chest was caving in more and more with every second that passed. I knew my dad was disappointed in me which hurt so badly.

We pulled into the driveway and I closed my eyes, feeling the raincloud creep up above my head. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. "I'll get Mia, you go inside." Colby said quietly and I just nodded.

My heart was heavy as I made my way upstairs, but my phone rang in my pocket causing me to jump, "dad?" I answered as I walked up the stairs.

"We are on our way back. You two need to talk this out." He said and I sniffled, "Cora, it's okay. I'm not mad at you." He said almost knowing exactly why I was crying. "You're disappointed." I said and started to cry, "maybe a little bit because you hit her, but my pride for you will always outweigh the disappointment. I'm so proud of you for tonight, even though it might have been overshadowed by what's going on. I'm always gonna be proud of you squirt. Don't cry, we are going to talk this out." He said and I nodded, wiping my face, "okay..I'll see you when you get here." I said and opened the bedroom door, "see you then...and Cor?" He said before I hung up, "yes dad?" I asked, "I love you." He said and I started crying again, "I love you too." I said then hung up.

Colby and I put Mia to bed and got changed, then we waited for them to get here.

I was nervous for some reason.

When they got home they all came into the living room where Colby and I were. "We need to talk." Stephanie said and came up to me. I nodded and stood up and looked back at Colby who smiled softly at me. "Let's go." I said and followed Stephanie to the guest room.

"I'm sorry for hitting you." I said and she just rolled her eyes, "no you're not." She said and I bit my lip, "I really am, I don't usually act on violence like that." I said and shuffled my foot back and forth nervously. "Whatever, I'm supposed to be apologizing but that's not what I'm going to do." She said coldly.

Wait what?

"I don't like you." She said and glared at me, "what did I do to you?" I asked calmly trying to have a civil conversation about this. "I don't know. I just really don't think you deserve THE Colby Brock." She said and I scrunched my brow, "I agree, but why do you think that?" I said and combed my hand through my hair.

"Because I love him!" She screeched and I jolted back in shock, "wait what?" I asked with confusion lacing my voice. "I have loved him for years, I've seen every video he has been in. Every single one." She said and I just stared at her in shock, "so you are a huge fan?" I asked as anxiety bubbled in my chest again.

"Yeah. Colby and I are meant to be. I know it. You're just in the way." She said with a crazy look in her eye. I nodded slowly,

"You need to get the fuck out of my house." I said quietly but with authority. "Not before I kill you." She said with full seriousness in her voice.

I had to get out of here.

"DAD! COLBY!" I yelled and ran towards the door. I got halfway there before she grabbed my arm and threw me up against the wall, slamming my head so hard that I instantly got dizzy.

I heard frantic footsteps approach the room before I blacked out completely.

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