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Colby's POV

"You almost ready?" Kat said and walked into Cora and I's room. "Yeah just getting my shoes on." Cora said and gestured to me as I tied her shoes up. "Alright I'll be downstairs then, the girls are ready whenever you are." She said and skipped off and down the stairs. "Thank you for this." She said and wiggled her feet, I smiled as I finished tying her shoes up and put her feet back on the ground, "you're welcome love, are you sure you're gonna be okay tonight?" I asked since she hasn't been in a car with anyone but me since the accident. She bit her lip nervously and nodded. "I think I'll be okay." She said quietly and placed her hand on my cheek. She could probably tell I was a little nervous about it too.

I didn't really feel comfortable letting her out of my sight since the accident which I know sounds bad and sounds clingy but honestly that accident rocked our whole world and having no control over what happens to her when I'm not around has been really hard. I trusted the girls though, and I needed them to help me with what was happening tonight. Cora didn't know but they weren't only going shopping today, I was actually going to propose.

"Alright baby, have fun. I love you." I said and kissed after we walked down the stairs and to the girls, "I love you too." She said and kissed me, "you guys are so cute it's disgusting." Tara said with a chuckle. "Shut up." Cora mumbled with a laugh. "Alright let's gooooo!" Kat yelled and linked her arm through Cora's then turned away from me, only to whip her head around and wink at me once Cora's back was to me fully. "You guys have fun! Real quick though Dev can I talk to you?" I asked and she nodded, walking over to me as the girls walked out the front door.

"What's up Colby?" She asked and I let out a breath, "just...please drive safe. Make sure she's okay.." I said and looked down. She chuckled lightly, "I promise I will. Music down. Hands on wheel. Eyes on road." She said and held her fingers up in scouts honor causing me to laugh, "okay, I'm trusting you Dev." I said and she nodded, "I know, are you nervous for tonight though?" I smiled, "only a little. I have a good feeling about it though." I said and smiled, "I do too, okay, I'll see you at the spot." She said and gave me a quick hug before skipping out of the house.

"You ready for this brother?" Sam asked and clapped his hand on my back. "More than ready. God, I hope she says yes." I said and pulled the ring box out of the empty drawer in the kitchen. It was the safest place for me to put it so she wouldn't find it. Nobody looked in this drawer.

Kat and I had went to the jewelers to pick out the perfect ring for her earlier in the week, it was sized and I picked it up the other day. It was a round diamond with a silver band, diamonds incrusting the band as well. It was simple but breathtakingly beautiful, just like Cora. "Brief me on the plan again?" Sam said as I put the ring in my pocket.

"The girls are going to go shopping with her, then they are going to "spontaneously" get their nails done. Then they will make their way to the beach. We are going to go set up flower petals and candles all around, when they get there you'll meet them at the car and hand her the note that tells her to come down to the beach. Then I'll be there, ready to ask her right as the sun sets. The photographer is gonna help us set up so you might need to pretend to be her for the test shots." I said and he laughed, "you got it man, I can't believe this is happening! It's gonna be crazy." He said causing me to laugh, "I just hope she says yes." I said with a smile. "I think she will man, I really do."

I got dressed in a white button up shirt, leaving the top buttons undone, and the sleeves rolled up. I paired it with some black jeans and my black boots. I didn't want to get too dressed up because Cora was only wearing jeans and a sweater. I couldn't really convince her to get dressed up without her being suspicious.

"You guys ready?" I asked and held up my keys. Jake, Corey, Sam, and I all piled in my car, the nerves now really hitting me. I was really going to propose to Cora tonight.

We drove to the beach that Cora and I walked along the day we went to the witches den, when we couldn't sleep. It's the place that I realized I wanted her to be mine. I flashed back to the night and how breathtakingly beautiful she was, even just wearing my hoodie and some sweats. She told me about her mom that night, only knowing me for less than 48 hours. I thought about the way the moon hit her eyes, which sent shivers down my spine. God, she was gorgeous.

"Hey man, thanks for doing this." I said and shook the photographers hand, "not a problem. I came by last night to get some test shots of the lighting, I just need to get some test shots for angles." He said and I nodded, "alright, well we have a little bit of time so we are gonna set up real quick then Sam and I can pose for pictures." I said as we got the stuff out of my trunk. "Alright, just let me know when you're ready." 

It took us about 20 minutes to set everything up but by the time it was done, it was perfect. We spent the next 20 minutes posing for the test pictures, "we should keep those too, just to drop on the fans later." Sam said with a laugh since we were acting like we actually got engaged, "that would be funny, let's do it." I said with a laugh as my phone buzzed, it was a text from Tara, "they are on their way." I said quietly as my heart sped up.

"You ready for this bro?" Jake asked and I nodded, "I really am." I said and he hugged me, "see you on the other side dude." Corey said then hugged me. "Good luck brother." Sam said and hugged me.

I was left alone standing on the beach with the photographer was hidden off in some bushes.

This was it. This was where my life would finally come together.

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