Chapter 7 - Amanda

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I was sleeping when my phone rang. I sat down, a little bit disoriented at first. Who is calling me at this time? I looked at the clock on the wall. It was midnight for God's sake. I looked at the phone. Anthony Lockwood.

"'ello?" my voice was scratchy from the sleep.

"Amy?" it was Tony's voice. He had a great voice, by the way.

"Yes Tony?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Shit... are you sleeping?"

"Um... not anymore. But yeah, I was sleeping when you decided to call me"

"Sorry. I... um..."


"I just want to say happy birthday to you. Sorry I wake you up" he said, there was a hint of panic and I could feel my lips twitched up.

"That's okay Tony. And that's sweet of you. Thanks" I said.

"Um... you want to continue your sleep?"

"huh?" I blinked. Of course I want to continue my sleep. What is he talking about? "What do you mean, Tony?"

"Um... is that okay for you to come down for a while?"

"Come down? What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Um... nevermind. Good night Amy"

"What?" What is he talking about??

Before any of us could utter another word, someone called behind Tony "Happy birthday Amy!" Actually there were more than 2 people shouted happy birthday behind him and somehow the voice was echoing to my room. I stood up abruptly and went to my windows. Oh my God!

There was Tony and his friends. Tony was facing his friends, he put his hand to cover the phone and hissed something to them, Madeline and Meredith laughed, while Drew and Jase chuckled.

I ran down while Tony still said his sorry for his noisy friends. I opened the front door and he startled. Actually he literally jumped back a bit and almost fell.

"Shit" he cursed and Jase held the cake from him "dude!" Jase hissed and the other laughed.

"I..." I cleared my throat "how come you know my house?" I asked them. My heart thumped wildly inside my ribcage.

Everyone looked at Tony and Tony raked his hair. "I... um... never mind. We just want to say happy birthday and this is for you. The cake" he gestured at the cake at Jase's hands.

Jase gave the cake back to Tony and took out the lighter to turn the candles.

They sang happy birthday to me and I could feel my heart was full with love. This is the feeling if you have a bunch of friends, and... I didn't know what to say. I felt my eyes hot.

"Make a wish and blow the candle" Tony whispered. His eyes looked warmly at me. I smiled at him and made my wish.

First, I hope mom will get better and better. I know it's impossible for her to recover 100% but at least don't make it worse.

Second, I wish for my life to get better. At school, in friendship and maybe relationships...

Third... um... I looked up and found Tony was looking at me with his grin... He was so handsome and sweet. The more I knew him the more I realized that he was far from the social media pictured him. I closed my eyes and prayed for my third wish.

I blew the candle and they clapped their hands. "Happy birthday" they said and one by one came to me to give me a hug. I said my thank you to them with a big grin.

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