Chapter 41 -Amanda

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I freeze in my place, she too. We are looking at each other.

"Amy!" She recovers first and comes to me with her small luggage.

"Ms. Lockwood" Suddenly I realized I'm only wearing Tony's t-shirt. The hem of the clothes are just a little bit under my upper thigh, not to mention I don't wear any underwear inside me. "Oh my God" I take a step back and try to pull the hem of my clothes. "i..."

"Good morning, Ms. Lockwood. Welcome back. Have you met Amy? She is the love of Tony's life" says Amanda the robot.

God this is awkward.

"Amy, your alarm is..." Tony trails off. His hair disheveled, his eyes sleepy, he is only wearing his sweatpants. He looks from me to his mom. "Mom," he says.

I bite my lower lip. God, can you turn back the time? So I can run faster to avoid this awkwardness. Ms. Lockwood is here watching his son shirtless, and me in his son's shirt.

Tony clears his throat and comes to us "mom you still remember Amy?

Ms. Lockwood looks at me and beams happily "of course I remember! I missed you so much Amy" she comes forward and hugs me.

My eyes widened and looks at Tony "I'm not wearing underwear" I mouth to him and he covers his mouth, but I know he is laughing. Damn him!

"I... I missed you too Ms. Lockwood" I say awkwardly. Not that I didn't miss her, my brain still focuses on my condition now.

"Hush no more Ms. Lockwood. You're an adult now. Call me Teresa"

I nod dumbly. I look at Tony, silently communicating to him that I need to go to his room and make myself more presentable, but Tony still looks away from us, focused with his own laugh. Useless.

Ms. Lockwood... I mean Teresa looks at me and then Tony and she chuckles. "okay you two go to the room. I'll prepare breakfast for you. Time to let go of the awkwardness" she says.

I look at her with grateful eyes and bite my lips. "Thank you so much Teresa. Sorry" I run to the room. God help me!

I'm in Tony's room. I look around to find my panties. I take it but it's useless. There is no way I can use it now. I look at my dress. There is no way I can use that too. Tony comes to the room and I jump.

I glare at him and he laughs. "I'm sorry! I forgot my mom came here today"

"You let her come here alone?" I ask in surprised, at least he should ask his driver--

"No, the driver picked her up, but she never want to fly with my plane so she flew commercial. But I managed to upgrade it into first class without her knowing."

I nod. "oh okay..."

He chuckles. I glare at him "I need your sweatpants!"

"Okay princess" he walks to the wardrobe and takes one.

"and wear your shirt. I know you have a great body. But don't flaunt it in front of your mom. Or at least not when I'm here. It's awkward" I say and take the sweatpants from him.

He laughs and wears his shirt. "that's okay Amy. Mom knew we had sex back then" I feel my face flush.

"And, it's normal for us to have sex now" he shrugs.

"I know, but it's not normal for your mom to see in your t-shirt, with nothing inside!" I complain, while wearing sweatpants and make myself presentable.

Tony comes and kisses me. "then what did you do outside?"

"I was preparing breakfast for you. 6 years ago you told me that  you like my breakfast"

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