Chapter 44 - Anthony

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Amy is sleeping in my arms. I should've known there was something wrong with her abruptly stopped the email. I should've come to Connecticut to check on her. God, Amy. I couldn't imagine your life back then.

I kiss her head. I will protect you, Amy. I won't let anything happen to you.

My phone beeps. I take it and look at the message.

Sammy: Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood! I have a huge good news and a small bad news. The apps went well, there was error because the users exploded. But it was handled well by my husband and his team. (Could you give a big bonus to my husband, but send it to my account). And the small bad news is, we failed with Copperfield. They just said no to us. I don't know what happened, I thought we could nailed it ☹️

I smile to myself. I don't even feel slightly upset with the Copperfield result. My main focus is the app going well. I look at Amy. And Amy is in my arms. I kiss her head again. She is still sleeping cozily.

Tony: Emily fucked with us. But who cares! As long as our app goes well. We can find another restaurant chain. Count on you Sammy. If you nail it, I'll give you a big bonus!

Ps: I'll ask finance to wire your husband bonus to your account now.

Sammy: go to hell with Emily, she is such a bitch. On it, boss!

Ps: did I tell you you are the best boss ever?

I chuckle and send the message to finance as well. Sam helped me a lot with this app. He deserves the bonus. But that always happened with Sam and Sammy. Their bonuses go to each other's accounts. Weird couple.

I look at the time. It's Saturday and we don't have anything to do. I think for a while and text my pilot to get the jet ready. Now, time to get my girlfriend ready. Wake her up with morning sex!


"Where are we going?" Amy asks me for the umpteenth time. After we had our breakfast I took her to the airport and boarded her into my private jet without telling her where we were going.

"What if I have anything to do today?" She says. I shake my head. "I already checked on your calendar, princess"

"You hacked on my phone again!" She says, scandalized. I laugh.

She looks at the windows. "I don't think I like it when my boyfriend hacked my phone without telling me" she mumbles.

"If I tell you, that isn't hacking" I say matter of factly. She gives me a look. "Wise ass!"

I chuckle and kiss her cheek "just enjoy it, Amy. You will know where are we going once we arrived in the destination"

"How long will we be in this.. stranded place?" She says dryly.

I chuckle"tomorrow we fly back to LA"

"We stay there? I don't bring anything." She says. Actually she even wore my loose shirt that touched her thighs. "We'll buy you some clothes there"

"Wow. You are so extravagant to me Mr. Lockwood" she says dryly. I laugh and kiss her shoulder. "Come on." I unfasten our seatbelt and stand up.

"What? Are we going to skydive from here?"

I pull her stand up "no, we're going to join the mile high club" I take her to the bedroom at the back. She comes willingly with her blush face.


"Welcome to Las Vegas, princess" I say once Amy and I climb down the stairs from my jet.

Amy gasps.

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