Chapter 62 - Anthony

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My head feels so hurt not only from the throb inside my skull but also from Mads, Mer and Sammy's voice. Trust me, if you want to recover fast, don't let the chickens (or whale in my case) get into your hospital room.

"God! Will the 3 of you shut up?" I groan.

"No" they say in unison. Okay if Korea has Blackpink, I have Whiteblue here. Just add Ocean to it. They will be a perfect combination. Not Rainey because she is just too sweet for them.

"We won't stop until you apologize to Amy!" Mads says.

"Mads stop it!"

"No, I won't!" She says. I look at her. The stubborn lines come in her face. I exhale. She won't accept a no answer.

"Look, Tony! I know it hurts you to know that she didn't want to share her burdens with you. I know. I really know" she says. I know she knows. Back then Ethan also had his problem and instead of coming to Mads, he went away to avoid her.

"But you have to know that she also suffers from this thing. It's not only you. Huntington disease is a scary disease Tony! There is 50% possibility she has it. And worse, she thinks she has the symptoms. You should think of her too. She was scared to death! And she has to face this alone!"

"She doesn't have to face this alone!" I say.

"Yes, but she loves you too much to be a selfish bitch and asks you to stay and be her nanny!" She says angrily at me.

Suddenly it occurs to me that... Madeline knows a lot about Amy. I look at Madeline.

She is still trying to rein her temper, caressing her huge tummy.

"You know this?" I say.

"What?" She looks at me.

"You already knew about this before today," I say.

She bites her lower lip. The gesture when she is nervous. "Madeline!" I say louder.

"Yes I know. So what?" She asks back.

"You know?" Meredith looks surprised at her, so does the others, except Ethan who keeps caressing his wife's shoulder.

She looks at Meredith and nods.

"How?" Meredith asks at the same time I ask "and you didn't tell me?"

Madeline looks at Mer "Jack" she says and she looks at me "yes I didn't tell you because that's not my position to tell you"

"Why?" I demand.

"What do you mean why?"

"Why didn't you tell me? You are my best friend, Mads!" I say.

"Excuse me Lockwood. Yes you are my best friend so does Amy. I love you two, and I just want the best for both of you. That's why-"

"The best is you tell me the truth!"

"How can you be so selfish, Lockwood!" She fires back, steps forward to me.

"This is my relationship Mads!"

"Not only yours but also Amy!

"Okay so you think it's the best for us to break up and she suffers from this alone?!"

"Hey stop!" Meredith stands between Mads and the hospital bed where I sit. We are so close and from Madeline's face it's not a surprise if she adds another scratch to me. Ethan comes forward and caresses her back now. Maybe to make sure his wife doesn't commit to kill me in the hospital.

"I was planning to coax her to talk to you" Madeline says softly. I look at her. "I met her in Clayton & co. and asked her to have coffee with me. At first she didn't even want to tell me. But since I already know about this, I know how to push the button to make her talk. Finally she told me about the disease and the possibility. When she realized I already knew it. She opened up to me. and she told me that she has the symptoms" she exhales. "I saw the sad, hurt, afraid, and every other feeling mixed in her. I can't Tony... She was so vulnerable. I can't coax her to come clean to you. It will break her heart even more if she saw you like this. You love her so much, we know this, Amy knows this too. What will you do once you know about her condition?"

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