Chapter 58 - Anthony

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I'm awake but I'm still too lazy to open my eyes. My hand immediately searches for Amy, but she's not on the bed. I open my eyes and look. Yeah, she is not on the bed, maybe she is making breakfast. I sit down and look at my phone. There is paper under my phone. huh?

I take my phone and look at the time. 7 am. Yesterday I told Amy, I asked Edith to give her a day off and Edith agreed. I told her I was planning to take her to stay in Roderick Malibu for a day but since she rejected my proposal, somehow there was some awkward moment so I decided to cancel it.

But Amy still doesn't have to go to work today. I check on my phone, nothing's important. I take the paper. It wasn't there last night. I'm not into writing (as in using paper and pen), so my bed cleans from paper stuff. So, it must be Amy...


By the time you read this letter, I already went back to my place. Don't look on me., Tony. I know I owe you an explanation. But somehow, I still don't know how to explain to you. But please, give me some time. I will come to you and explain everything.

But until then, I want you to keep all your responsibility. Don't neglect your job and Lockwood Tech. Don't be the unTony like Sammy said. And the most important thing is... be happy Tony, with or without me. You deserve to be happy.

I'm so glad I had a chance to know you, to be with you... But maybe my luck stops here. I will try to move on with my life and so do you. Don't wait for me. Find a woman who really can stay by your side forever.

I'm so sorry Tony. I should've said this right in front of you, but I can't.

I love you and will always love you...

Your Amy...


Everything went blurry since then... Amy is gone. Not literally gone. I know she is still staying in her apartment and working at Clayton & co. But the letter is clear that she doesn't want me to come to her. I did come after I read the letter. But the one who is waiting for me is Henry. He with his sympathetic expression.

"Sorry Tony" he shook his head weakly,

"She asked you to come to prevent me from meeting her?" I asked him.

He nodded "I'm sorry. She doesn't say why. She is inside with Elize."

"Why?" I asked weakly.

"I honestly don't know. But she is so reckless. I promise you I'll tell you what happened with her. Once I know what's wrong with her I'll tell you, even though she makes me promise to not tell. you"

I nodded weakly. I really don't know what happened. But I know there is something wrong with her. So I left.

Since then I have never come to her. All I do is test and call. But obviously, she doesn't even want to answer that.

I sit on my chair in Lockwood Tech. My eyes closed. I couldn't sleep at night. The day I slept was because my body couldn't handle it anymore.

Someone knocks my door.

"Come in" I say, still closing my eyes.

"Tony" comes Sammy's soft voice. Normally she comes with her energetic voice or sometimes mad at me because I gave her my shitty attitude.

"Yes Sammy" I say and open my eyes.

She looks worried. She sits in front of me. "How are you?" she says softly.

I shrug. "What about you?" I ask.

"Well, nothing more than usual," she says.

"Well, I see you unusual now"

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