Chapter 32 - Amanda

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I'm sitting alone in my apartment enjoying my dinner. The bell rings. I look at the intercom. It's Elize. I smile to myself and open up the door.

Elize comes in and hugs me. She brings my favorite bubble tea.

"How's life?" She asks once we sit on the chair.

I shrug "not bad"

She raises an eyebrow "what kind of answer is that?"

"An answer for a not so bad life" I say to her.

"Don't play with me Ms. Lewis!" She gives me a look.

I exhale "I met Tony. No... the right statement is... our path cross again"

Her eyes widened "what do you mean?" So I tell her the whole story about us.

"What is wrong with him?" She asks angrily. "He was a great guy back then. We are always on the same line when it comes to you!"

"I don't know Elize" I say weakly. "I feel like something is missing. But I don't know what.. It's like he is so angry at me. But I don't know what it is.."

"Are you sure you two ended things on a good term?"

I nod. "Yeah. Even when I stopped our monthly email abruptly, Tony still sent me email for another year"

"But you never replied?"

"Never" I whisper.


I give her a look "you know why, Elize..."

She exhales.

"And his last email, he told me that he will stop. Because he doesn't want to bother with something I don't want to know. And he also said that maybe it's time for him to try to walk by himself without me in it." I wipe my tears abruptly.

"Then, there is nothing wrong between the two of you"

I nod.

She looks at me, somehow I can see her brain is working.

"Stop thinking, Elize. I just want to work professionally with him. It is only for another 2 month and after the app launches, I don't have to work at Lockwood Tech anymore."

"I know but I hate it. It hurts you when somehow pull an asshole card on you, but it hurts you more when that person is the one you love!" Somehow the way she says it sounds so real, it makes me wonder whether she is talking about herself or me.


I walk to Lockwood Tech. Today I will have a training session for Q and A with Tony.

God bless me.

Hopefully Tony can be a good client. Work and answer me seriously. Yesterday he texted me to meet up but I didn't reply to him. Call me unprofessional but I can't. Not after what we did in the office. I feel my face hot every time I remember our office sex. Gosh Amanda Lewis! Stop it! You're going to meet Tony. Stop the erotic scene from your head NOW!

I sit on my chair and arrange my stuff on the table. I look at my watch. Tony will be here in 10 mins. I have a crazy idea to take out my lipstick and powder to retouch my face.

God, I'm far from moving on. Elize will kill me if she knows my progress on moving on from Mr. Lockwood slower than snail.

Someone knocks on the door. "Come in" I look up from my table. There he is. Anthony Lockwood strides into my office and looks so handsome.

I take out the papers for him to read from my bag. Yesterday I prepared this for him. I hate him, but I still have responsibilities to Edith and the company.

He sits in front of me without a word. I push the papers to him. "This is for-"

"I'm sorry"

My head snaps to him.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you yesterday, Amy" he says. His expression is unreadable but there is a hint of the old Tony in his voice. The Tony I still love so much.

I nod slightly. I clear my throat "I prepared this for you. Most likely these are the questions they will ask you. We already told them that we will have a scripted interview. But sometimes the interviewer often adds some questions based on your answer. So let's try with you answering the questions and I will come up with some additional questions." All the time my eyes are on the paper. "And let me know if there is anything you would like to discuss with me about your answer."

He doesn't say anything. I look up, his eyes still on me. I bite my lower lip.

"Amy, can we talk?" He says softly. I almost gave in to him. I inhale deeply.

"Sure, is there anything you want to discuss with me about the questions?" I take out my pen.

"No. About yesterday" his eyes never leave me.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lockwood. I prefer we talk about business. About your interview"

He looks at me deeply but I just look back at him. He exhales. "Okay" he says and he looks at the paper.

I wait for him to read the paper. I take out my notes and pen. "Can we start the interview?" I ask him.

He nods to me.

"Okay. By the way we give some questions about the company as well, not just the app. Because I couldn't found any interview about your company"

"I never have one" he says.

"Oh... okay" I say. I look at the paper. "Um... Mr. Lockwood, when you start to build this company?"

"4 years ago. after I graduated from university"

"You started this with your friends?"

"Yeah. I asked my friend, Samuel Hopkins, to help me with the company. And later Samantha Bean Hopkins."

"Okay. What about your motivation? As we know you were a big influencer back then. Why'd you stop and go back to school?"

He looks at me deeply "because someone told me to do that. And she meant the most to me"

I feel my eyes hot. I look at the paper "okay" I say weakly.

"She asked me to go back to school and get my bachelor degree. She also told me that I'm a great hacker." He chuckles. I bite my lower lip to prevent me from whimpering. "When we ended things, she asked me to go back to the school. And all I can think back then was, if I have enough money and power. I could keep her in LA, and she doesn't have to feel insecure with our relationship. So I do my best to earn a lot of money. So one day I can come back to her, pick her up, and start our happily ever after life. Never once crossed in my mind that she will leave me and continue with her life. I just realized that I'm the only one who hasn't moved on from our relationship while she already continues her life."

"What?" I look up. I don't care about my tears anymore. It's leaking freely from my eyes.

He looks away. His hand covers his eyes. He inhales deeply and look down chuckling "I'm sorry Ms. Lewis, I think we should continue this interview later" he stands abruptly and leaves the office. He leaves me stunt in my seat.

I just realized that I'm the only one who hasn't moved on from our relationship while she already continues her life.

What did that mean? Do we have misunderstandings all this time?

I throw my pen and notes. I run to his office. Which is in the opposite corner from mine.

I stop abruptly when I see Tony in front of his office turns around to see a woman who called him. The woman looks so pretty with her sexy green emerald dress that covered her petite figure.

The woman comes to him and hugs him. They say something and Tony smiles at her, the woman pulls Tony's head and kisses him.

And I'm watching this in the front seat..

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