Chapter 4

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AUTHORS NOTE: This is a LONG chapter but will finish up the introduction to Krystal's family, quirk development, and basic background origin story. The next chapter will start with her actually living in Japan and begin her merge with the main storyline :)

"Krystal? Krystal. KRYSTAL!" My motheris voice faintly pushed itself past the ringing noise in my ears. I attempted to take a deep breath and was met with my body forcing me to practically cough up my lungs.

"What the hell happened?" I asked, trying to piece together my shattered memory of occurring events before passing out.

"You almost drowned, sweetheart. But you're okay now, your father and I came looking for you because it was getting dark and got there just as soon as Mika had gotten out of the water."

Mika. She was in trouble because of me.

"Where is she? Is she okay? I have to apologize to her!" I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate.

"Krystal you have to calm down. Your sister is fine. She's a little shook up but mainly just worried about you." I tried taking another deep breath. This time my lungs allowed the inhale of oxygen to enter my body.

My mom explained how they had gotten to the river just in time to see Mika float up and out of the water and then recovered my unconscious body from below the surface. She said neither of us were hurt aside from minor scrapes and bruises but she still had a look of concern on her face.

"Krystal... Mika doesn't have the physical strength to recover herself from the water like she did... and neither I nor your father used our quirks to do it." I nodded as my mind slowly processed what she was telling me.

Oh my god.

I have a quirk

I started hyperventilating again but I had a smile on my face. For years I had negative thoughts constantly lingering in my mind, haunting and taunting me for my lack of a quirk. For being part of the 20%. As thrilled as I was, there was still way too many unanswered questions I had.

Why is my quirk only manifesting now?

Did I control both water and air?

What does this mean for my future?

As though she could hear my thoughts without me speaking, my mom put her hand on mine and looked at me with expression I couldn't read.

"We need to talk." My mother did not have a hint of a smile on her face. She was dead serious and appeared like she knew more than I did.

"Mom... What are you talking about?"


My mother and I moved from the bedroom I had been resting in to the living room downstairs where everyone else was quietly conversing. As soon as they saw me, their chatting ceased.

The only one I really cared to talk to in that moment was my sister. She was sat on the floor near the fireplace in an unusually calm state.

Walking towards her I tried to think of a well put together apology.

"Mika, I-"

"Sit down, Krystal." My father grabbed my wrist before I could reach her.

His unrequested touch made me feel like I was burning up. It took everything I had to go against my urge to pull my hand free and tell him where he could go shove it.

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