Chapter 19

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"First years, these are the rules we will abide by:

The game itself will last 15 minutes. Individual point value will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands.

Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them.

And another thing—even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down, you can keep playing until times up."

After the conclusion of Midnight's explanation, we were granted 15 minutes to form our teams.

Honestly if Todoroki and I teamed up together, our high point count and strength would allow us to play defense the whole game and still place without needing to go after Midoriya.

I look over at the boy but he doesn't return my glance. Knowing him he's probably already got a team together and still wants nothing to do with me especially after the stunt I pulled in the obstacle course.

To be fair, I did call him out in the waiting room earlier so that's kinda my bad.

I turn my attention to Mina who was violently waving her hand in my direction.

"Krystal, get your ass over here! We're teaming with Bakugo and Kirishima!" According to Bakugo's reaction though, he was not made aware of an agreement to me joining.


"And I know damn well this dumbass is going to go for Midoriya's 10 million when he doesn't need it and risk the chance of y'all not placing so I'm good."

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?!" I shrug at the boy's anger and watch as Mina breaks into tears due to my rejection of her invitation.

Looking at the group again, I search for Tokoyami. He looks like he grouped up with Deku and a couple of girls already.

I'm starting to run out of options.

"Hey." I hear a voice behind me grabs my attention. "Hitoshi Shinso."

Purple guy.


"My name. I walked off on you the first time we met and never told you it."

"Oh right. Was that due to my obnoxious clumsiness I attempted to overcompensate for or are you just an asshole." He laughs at my half-joke but keeps holding eye contact.

"A little bit of both. I watched you during the obstacle course and honestly was surprised. You got some serious power and my team is lacking in that right now." I look behind him to see Ojiro as well as a boy from 1-B standing oddly still.

"Is that an invitation?" I ask "and before I accept it, I need to know what your quirk is." At the mention of his quirk, Shinso tenses up and swallows hard.

"U-uh my quirk isn't really all that important I-"

"Well I guess I'm just gonna find another te-"

"OK, OK!" He looks at the ground and closes his fists. "It's called brainwashing. I can basically take control of people as long as they verbally answer my question."

"That's like-"

"A villain's Quirk? I know. I get that all the time."

"What? No! I was gonna say that's amazing!" Shinso seemed shocked at my positive reaction to his quirk. "I've never met someone with a Quirk like that but you could 1000% use that in the hero world. It would make sense why you couldn't pass the entrance exam though since we fought robots."

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