Chapter 13

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"That's a wrap! Super work. You all really stepped up to the plate and we didn't have any major injuries, except for Midoriya. You should be proud!" All Might gives us all a thumbs up and a flash of his famous smile before running off to the nurse's office to check on his student.

"Okay, you guys, that is a hero!" Kaminari says as All Might disappears.

"Speaking of heroes, can you talk about Todoroki and Hirawa!?" Kirishima says with a sparkle in his eye. "You guys were holding out on us with your powers!"

With the mention of our battle runs, everyone started to gather around Todoroki and I, asking us questions about our quirks.

"You're Endeavor's son, right? So does that mean you can create fire too?"

"Which one of your quirks did you use to take down the level four in the entrance exam?"

"If you got in on recommendation then you must have even more power! What else can you do?"

"If you could always manipulate water, why did you only start now?"

Todoroki and I bumped into each other back to back and both flinched when we made contact. He had a calm face but his body language showed he was just as overwhelmed as I.

Someone please help us.

"HEY, THE SCHOOL DAY IS NOT OVER YET. WE STILL HAVE CLASSES WE MUST ATTEND AND MR. AIZAWA WILL NOT BE PLEASED IF ANYONE IS LATE!" Iida's voice took everyone's attention off of us and back to reality.

I hadn't noticed until now but that Bakugo guy hasn't said a word since his match with a Midoriya. I looked at him as he hung his head and kept his hands shoved in his pockets. He must've felt someone watching him because he glanced up and locked eye contact with me.

I kept staring at him and he kept staring back. Why did it feel like a competition now? Annoyed, I took a deep breath and let go of my urge to be petty, breaking eye contact with him first.

"You finally letting more of your power show?" Mina whispers in my ear. I smirk at her and whisper back.

"Slowly but surely." She gives me an approving smile and then glances at Todoroki.

I did want to ask him about his quirk and honestly, our powers would work really well together. Maybe he could even help me with my ice and fire control.

I start walking over to him but he glared at me as if threatening me to stay away from him. He shoved his hands in his pockets just like Bakugo and started towards our classroom.

This motherfu-

"EVERYONE GET TO CLASS RIGHT NOW." Iida gets on everyone's case again, and not feeling the energy to argue, we comply.


"Hey! It'a Midoriya!" Kirishima calls everyone's attention to the still injured, green haired boy who just walked in the door. "I don't know what you were saying during the match, but you were all fired up, huh?"

"I can't believe you held your own against Bakugo! He's super strong!" Sero compliments him.

"You did a great job dodging!" Mina also added in.

Them and a few other students gathered around Midori to talk about his match.

"So noisy." Tokoyami says as he takes a seat on the desk next to me. "Aren't you friends with Kirishima and the pink one?" I laugh and nod.

"Yeah, they're great though. Really supportive and definitely the hero type." I look over at him to see him staring at me, like he was trying to figure something out.

"Hey... I wanted to thank you for saving me earlier. I got so freaked out about what Kaminari's power could do to Dark Shadow, that I couldn't pull myself together to fight." The bird boy stopped looking at me and turned his eyes to the ground. Clearly not the type to thank someone often.

"Hey, that's what teammates are for." I bumped his shoulder with mine. "And honestly I should probably apologize to you. I should've used more of my abilities earlier but to be honest, I've been trying to hide my power so I have more of an advantage at the sports Festival."

"The sports Festival? You're already planning ahead for that?" I nod and bite my lip.

"There's an agency I really wanna get into for my internship and the only way the pros are going to notice me is if I go all out and beat everyone."

"That's understandable, and I respect your strategy but... Why tell me? We will also be competing against each other."

"Because I trust you. I don't know why but you just seem like the kind of person I can count on. You're my classmate and hopefully my future fellow pro hero." My words seemed to inflict more emotion into him than he expected and he actually smiled at me.

"Tokoyami! Stop using that desk as a chair! Get off of it this instant!" Iida had his mom voice back on and was making sure everyone knew it.

"Dude, you need to chill." Jiro walks over to us along with a boy with a tail.

"You're carrying a lot of tension."

Mashirao Oijiro. Quirk: tail

I laugh as Iida walks away, defeated. This class really is full of good people.

I look back over to Midoriya who had just noticed Bakugo had left already and as soon as Uraraka told him where he went, Midoriya ran out of the class.

Tsu, Uraraka, Mina, and I all pressed ourselves against one of the glass windows that overlooks the schools courtyard.

Midoriya was talking about something the kept Bakugo's mouth shut for a while. Until Bakugo being Bakugo, turned around and started yelling at Midoriya.

Bakugo's hands were in fists at his sides and Midoriya stood 10 feet away from him wondering whether he was about to get hit or not. Before the situation could escalate any further All Might appeared and attempted to console the angry blonde.

"Childhood friends turned enemies!" Uraraka said as we watched the events unfold without context.

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