Chapter 6

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The next day, I took Mina out for lunch so we could talk.

"I'm gonna do it." I tell her, with a look of pride on my face.

"YouMr goMMa doM what?" I laugh at her as I attempt to decipher what she's saying with her mouth stuffed with food.

"UA. I'm going to apply and seriously try to get in." She stopped chewing and looked up at me, wide-eyed.

"Do not scream. I genuinely cannot handle having everyone in this restaurant looking at us right now." She takes a deep breath, swallows her food, and puts her hands together in an attempt to collect herself.

"Okay. I can handle this. I meannn, I knew you would end up applying but I thought you would make me fight you every day until the exam to be honest." I laugh again and begin eating my lunch as well.

"We need to stay on track though. Schedule workouts, quirk training, meal plans, study sessions..." I trail off and look at Mina again. "And I think I'm gonna quit the team."

"SKFHJLDSJFD WHAAAAAAT?!" Okay I should've expected her to scream at that but I had a sliver of hope.

"Listen. I love volleyball. I always will. But I have to choose between playing or pursuing a real career in heroics. I felt what it's like to have my dreams crushed. That was one of the most painful things I've ever felt and now I had the chance to reclaim that dream from my childhood and fulfill the promises I made to myself."

I knew what I was saying was true but thinking about no longer following my path of volleyball was still upsetting. I started rubbing the inside of my right palm like I always did when I got anxious.

"And it's not like I'm throwing away all my years of work I put into it. I'm in shape, light on my feet, and have a good sense of teamwork because of playing." Mina took my hands in hers, trying to calm the anxious expression I have on my face.

"I'll be honest with you, Krystal. I think you're making the right decision. And I lowkey saw it coming." I turn my head in confusion and look at her.

"What do you mean you saw it coming?"

"You quitting the team. I've been thinking about doing it myself too so I have more time to prepare for exams but I promised myself I would say as long as you did. But this last season, the love you clearly had for the sport seems to have lessened."

Of course Mina would've noticed. We've only known each other for a couple of years but we were inseparable. It only makes sense that she's noticed my focus shift towards my quirk and off of volleyball.

"And hey, we're still in this together. The exam is in 10 months which means we have that much time to put 100% of our energy into strengthening our powers!"

"Yeah except the fact that the physical exam isn't the only one we need to worry about. We also have to pass the written exam and you suck at math."

"KRYSTAL, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE SUPPORTING YOUR BESTIEEEE." She whines and dramatically lays her head on the table between us.

That was the last day of relaxation we had before the next 10 months of hell began.


Every day since that lunch had been planned out. Mina and I created a spreadsheet with every aspect of our life specifically scheduled to ensure we would be set up for success in our exams.

Our hard work had become so apparent, our teachers and peers began to notice. Word quickly spread around that we were aiming for UA and that had everyone excited.

They wanted to be able to say they had pro heroes come from their school and because of this, they actually helped us.

Students offered to tutor us in areas we struggled in. Coaches and athletes let us join in on their conditioning routines. Teachers offered extra advice about the writing exam.

Not only did everything go according to plan, but it went even better than that. Mina and I were closer than ever, my body was in the best shape I could ask for, and mentally I was prepared to dedicate myself to being a hero.

The only thing that wasn't the way I wanted it to be, was my relationship with my sister. Ever since that day I overheard Mika say I didn't deserve my quirk, I had 'subconsciously' been avoiding her. I would train with my mom and dad without her, leave early for school so I could walk alone, and avoid the places we used to love going to together.

Even my dad and I were talking more than I had been with her. But I had to stop being petty and try to fix it.

"Mika?" I call her name as I knock on her bedroom door. I slowly open it to see her sitting in bed, refusing to look at me. "Can I talk to you?" She gives me a slight nod but continues looking at whatever was pulled up on her phone.

I closed the door behind me and made my way over to the end of her bed to sit across from her. She knew I was there but she seemed to try her best not to acknowledge my presence.

"Look, I want to apologize." Still no acknowledgment. "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you."

"Oh so you did realize you cut me off." I was slightly taken aback by the aggressiveness of her tone.

"Yeah, but I have a reason. It's because-"

"Because you're better than me? Because you have a better quirk than me so I'm not worth your time anymore?" I furrow my brows and open my mouth to respond but she doesn't allow me to. "If you're just here to come in and say how sorry you are that you've been busy and that you've been trying to become stronger, then you can leave right now. I'm not going to buy into that crap."

I'd come in to the room with a list of things I wanted to say to her but all of a sudden everything got stuck in my throat.

"Your exam is tomorrow morning. I'm SURE you have more training you need to do. I don't really care anymore so save your apology for someone who does." I tighten my jaw and lower my head.

I didn't think I was better than her or her Quirk but for some reason I still felt guilty. The way I had handled our situation was wrong. I should've tried to start this conversation months ago but instead I had shut her out.

Nothing I said was going to change the fact that she felt abandoned.

"I'm sorry..." With my head still lowered, I stood and walked over to open the door, but before I closed it behind me, I had to say something. "10 months ago, I heard you talking to your classmates about how I just got in the way and I didn't deserve my quirk." I had my back to her so I couldn't read her face but I knew she was listening.

"I know you're not going to believe me, but I am doing this for you. I've only ever wanted to be someone you could look up to so that's what I'm going to do. I will go to UA, I will be a hero, and I will make everything up to you." And with that, I shut the door behind me.

Ecokinetic - My Highschool Hero (MHA)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant