Chapter 7

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Exam day

Everything was for today.

Every body aching work out. Every mind breaking study session. Every spirit destroying Quirk control lesson.

It was still early in the morning but there was no way I was getting any more sleep. I decided to go for a walk outside just to feel the life of nature.

The sweet smells coming from local bakeries as they prepare to open for when the city wakes up. The cool April winds that carry leaves across the sky with it. The life filled energy of the ocean was calling me to it, so I listened.

Takoba Municipal Beach Park

I have been so busy for all these months that I hadn't even noticed that it had been cleaned up. The beach used to be littered with garbage that people were illegally dumping but now it was beautiful.

I took my shoes off and walked through the cool sand towards the water line. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon but the rays of light still felt amazing on my skin.

I took a deep breath and walked into the water until It reached my knees.

Inhale through my nose

Exhale out my mouth

My arms extended in front of me and a smile spread across my face. The water around my legs began to swirl and then lifted me upward with a tornado of water.

The feeling of control over all the energy around me was invigorating. More streams of water danced around me while I coordinated the sway of my arms and hips.

All the power of my element flowed through my veins and showed no sign of stopping. The training with mom and dad made my water and air control the strongest of my elements but I have been practicing with the others as well.

I was in bliss and my body craved more. I open my eyes and focus on the body of water as a whole. One final inhale and a huge wave formed in front of me, threatening any and all life that got in its way.

I should probably stop now.

But my quirk wanted more.

The wave continued to grow and the sane part of my brain began to realize what was happening.

I was losing control

Rain clouds formed out of nowhere and began their shower on the world below. Internally I was panicking but my body wouldn't stop. I kept pushing it and felt myself going off the edge until-

A voice. Two voices?

The interruption snapped me out of my trance and I brought the wave back down to join the rest the ocean. The clouds dispersed and I slowly rode my whirl of water back to shore.

I dried myself with my thermal manipulation and put my shoes back on. As I ran up the beach back towards the city, I heard the two voices again.

There was a backpack and a pair of red shoes placed next to a large pile of garbage I assumed was removed from the beach.

"– you have to swallow some of my DNA, that's how it works!"

"this isn't exactly how I imagined it."

The two voices were below me and I really didn't want to know what they were talking about.

"C'mon, there's no time. You'll be late for the exam!"


Thank you Random voice of reason on the beach that totally didn't sound like you were talking about something odd before I arrived.

Without further investigation, I left the beach and headed towards UA high.


"Krystal! Over here!" Mina's voice called to me as I arrived at UA high's entrance. She was standing next to a boy with red hair that looked sort of familiar.

"For you, what happened that day was tough, huh?" Mina says to the boy.

"So what?" He responds.

"Once you get over it completely within yourself, let me know, OK?" He smiles at her comment, exposing his pointy teeth.


"Whoa, did I interrupt a moment here?" I ask with a tease. I didn't think it was possible, but Mina was turning more pink than she usually is.

"Shut up, Krystal! He's the guy I told you about when that villain showed up!" I looked at the boy and finally connected the pieces.

"Oh! Long black emo hair from middle school, I remember you." The smile that Mina had put on his face quickly disappeared just to reappear when he realized I was joking.

Eijio Kirishima. Quirk: Hardening.

"Yep, that's me! I've changed a lot since then though, and now I'm aiming to be the manliest man possible!" I smile at him and link arms with Mina.

"Well, manliest man, we should probably head into the auditorium." He nods and fist pumps as we walk into the large building.


"What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tunin' in to me, your school DJ." A voice coming from the stage in the center of the auditorium announces. "C'mon. Let me hear ya!"

Silence from everyone.

He calmly brushes past the lack of enthusiasm he received in the room and continues explaining our oncoming practical exam.

Present Mic. Quirk: Voice

"After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center, sound good?!"

Silence from everyone.

The school was working to split everyone up so that you couldn't work with your friends and that's why there are eight battle arenas.

"Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in each battle center.

You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal this trial is to use your quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo.

But, check it! Make sure you're keep'n things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a UA no-no, ya dig?"

How could someone be radiating such chaotic energy when just giving exam instructions?

After his presentation concluded, a student raised his hand and asked a question about specifics on a fourth opponent listed on our print-out as well as called out another student for mumbling during the whole thing.

The embarrassed boy with green hair muttered an apology and Present Mic answered the question.

Apparently the fourth opponent is worth zero points and serves only as an obstacle that we should avoid.

"A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes." He quotes general Napoleon Bonaparte as we exit the auditorium and head for our exam entrances.

"I'm in battle center D." I tell Mina and Kirishima. They both look at their cards.

"Aww, I'm in E." Mina says with a pout.

"Battle center C for me. So I guess that means we're all split up." I nod at him and hug Mina.

"I won't forgive you if you don't pass the test, Ashido." I was half joking but she still burst into tears.

"KRYSTAL, YOU'RE SO MEEEAN! But I will pass so you better too!" I smile at her, give a fist bump to Kirishima, and head for my arena.

It's game time.

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