Chapter 24

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Ice blast, smash attack.

Ice blast, smash attack.

Ice blast, smash attack.

This match was a test of endurance. Quirks are a physical power which means they all have a limit and Midoriya is counting on his limit being higher than Todoroki's by only firing off counterattacks.

Shoto realizes this though and rushes his opponent after one of his ice shots. All four of Midoriya's right hand fingers have been broken by this point and Shoto uses the opportunity to become more aggressive.

Midoriya's best chance to win is by keeping Shoto away and when he sees him getting too close, he sacrifices breaking his arm and throws his strongest attack thus far.

The punch forces a large amount of wind pressure to build up and push Shoto many meters away, but his ice blockade behind him holds up and keeps him from leaving the ring.

Although Shoto has left everyone in awe of his power, he isn't able to completely keep up a face of confidence. Especially not from his opponent or I.

Shoto's arm appeared like it was beginning to freeze from overexertion. He was reaching his limit, just like Midoriya but neither of them were done yet.

Shoto begins another one of his large scale ice attacks, thinking Midoriya was out of options but to everyone's shock, he manages to use his already broken finger to fire another counterattack.

All we could do was sit and watch as the two had a conversation that only they could hear. Whatever they were talking about though, it was getting into Shoto's head because I could feel it getting into mine too.

Anger that I only felt when he talked about his dad.

What was Midoriya doing?

Either way, the mind games worked, and Shoto rushed him. As he jumped, Midoriya also went on the offensive, landing a solid hit on his opponent but not before Shoto was able to freeze his left arm.

The match started to drone on like the beginning but much slower and less powerful. Neither of them are holding back but they were overworked, unable to give 100% of what they didn't have.

As I continued to watch the match, my body temperature began to drop. My mind was getting cloudy as I realized I could no longer see the ring or hear the crowd. What I could see was Shoto... And his parents.

As a child.

A very young, dual-haired, heterochromatic-eyed boy laid doubled over on the floor before a very tall, flaming man. A woman with white hair knelt on the floor beside her child in attempt at comforting him and stopping her husband.

Her voice was muffled but whatever she said was met with a hit from the man, throwing her away from the child and trembling from pain and fear for herself.

"Krystal, are you OK?" A voice from one of my classmates was followed by a hand on my shoulder. "Krystal, you're freezing! What's wrong?"

I couldn't respond. My ears were filled with sobs of a child begging to have a normal life. To play with his siblings. To not spend every waking moment with his abusive, sorry excuse for a father.

And then I saw it and I heard it. I became one with Shoto and watched as my mother talked about me on the phone. How she said my left side was unbearable and how she couldn't raise me anymore.

"Mom? What are you saying?" Came out of my mouth without me telling it to. The sound of a pot
boiling on the stove provided audio as my mother looked at me with fear and disgust. And then a familiar burning pain was felt on my face but it felt different this time.

Instead of raw flames, it was boiling hot water.

Though the pain was impossible to ignore, it was nothing compared to the hate that lived in my heart and stomach. My eyes were forced to look up at a man meant to be my father.

"Honey, you do still wanna be a hero, don't you?" The voice of a woman I felt had a very complicated relationship with me filled my ears.

Suddenly my vision and hearing returned to me as I realized my classmates were attempting to snap me out of my trance.

Breaking out of their holds, I ran up to the guard rail and screamed on the top of my lungs.

"ITS YOURS! YOUR QUIRK, NOT HIS!" Shoto's eyes found mine that were filled with tears and then I saw it.

Shoto Todoroki's fire

His right side was still kissed with the presence of frost but his left was completely engulfed in orange flames. Midoriya's face flashed a sign of defeat but then his determination returned.

"YES, SHOTO! Have you finally accepted your purpose? That's it. Very good. This is the dawn of a new era for us. With my blood in your veins, you'll surpass me. You will live up to the reason I created you!" An equally orange flamed man made his way down to the front of the stairs on the opposite side of the stadium.

A tear ran down Shoto's face and smile ran on Midoriya's.

The two prepared for their finishing moves, destroying their uniforms, and filling the arena with their light. Midnight and Cementoss attempted to stop the collision, but fail.

Smoke made it impossible to see anything for a while but when it finally cleared it revealed Midoriya's limp body shoved against the wall and then collapse onto the ground.

"Todoroki wins! He advances to the third round!"

I couldn't hear the sounds of the crowd, students, or pros. I just stood there, stunned at the amount of power my own classmates displayed for the whole world.

My body temperature had returned to normal and my feelings were my own.

He did it.

Shoto Todoroki found his own flame

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