Chapter 25

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"So, it appears our team up in the villain simulation has benefited you more in the long run." Tokoyami said to me.

We both stood across from each other in the ring, preparing for the others attack while also constructing our own plans.

"You're not wrong. The only difference is now you know I can do what Kaminari can, which gives me an advantage, but I'm definitely not underestimating you."

"Very well. Let us do our best." He nods at me and I give him a smirk.

As he called upon Dark Shadow, I could feel the electricity running through my veins from Sparky's attack earlier.

"Let's make this quick, Hirawa!" Tokoyami begins by covering his body with Dark Shadow as a sort of armor, no doubt boosting both his defense and offense.

"Promise to not get too mad at me, Birdboy!" As Tokoyami rushed me in his improved state, I widened my stance, held my hands up in fists, and bent my knees.

I counted the time in between his steps, trying to look for an opening, using every moment I had until he was in close enough range.

When he reached me, his arm was pulled back, preparing to swing but as he threw his punch, I ducked my head to the left, spun my body around his right side, planted my hand on his back and let the sparks fly.

Small bolts of electricity were dancing over my skin then all joined together to form bright streaks of energy. The blast shoved Tokoyami closer to the out of bounds line and had forced Dark Shadow to return to his airborne form, but they were still in the fight.

"YOU STILL WANT MORE? COME AND GET IT!" I was trying to be enthusiastic but I almost sounded aggressive. Tokoyami clearly took it as aggression as well because his hands were now in fists.

He spread his arms out and made a command to Dark Shadow which he responded to by coming after me again.

"THAT DIDN'T WORK LAST TIME, IT'S NOT GONNA WORK THIS TIME EITHER." I had never felt my electro-kinesis to this degree before. Kaminari's attack earlier had affected me more than I had previously realized. Was I losing control?

No... I was still aware and in control of my body, but my head felt cloudy.

I turned my hands so my palms were facing upwards and I could feel an almost dark smile appear on my lips. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow had now taken to the sky, in attempt to avoid any attack I made through the ground.

The dark smile on my face only grew as the sparks on my body got bolder and brighter and when the two were finally close enough, I lifted my open palms in their direction and released my lightning.

The lighting in the area became distorted and made it hard for anyone to see anything. The sound of lightning cracks rung out like we were in the middle of a huge storm and a slight burning smell had developed.

I could hear my heart beat pounding in my ears as my attack came to a close and I tried to catch my breath. I definitely hit him, and hit him hard because he was now falling. Very quickly.

Oh my God, what did I just do?

I knew they were weak to electric attacks, I didn't need to put that much force into it to take them out. I quickly grabbed another one of the tubes on my garter and crushed it in my hand to reveal a small patch of dirt.

The glass had cut open my hand and my blood seeped into the dirt like I wanted. I whispered a request into my hand and a huge flower bloomed from it.

I placed the dirt and flower onto the ground and then stepped back with my arms open, increasing its growth rate.

Tokoyami roughly landed on the half-assed cushion and I rushed to his side.

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