Chapter 8

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I was now standing in front of a large gate that was the only thing separating me from my exam. I thought about all the shit I went through to get here. All the stress and the pain I underwent both physically and mentally.

But I felt good.

I looked around at the group I would be competing against for points. The diversity of quirks was intense.

Some were very obvious that they had quirks that physically enhanced them, but others were less obvious. There were multiple people who just looked like normal people.

Kinda like me.

As I continued to scan the crowd, my eyes landed on a quiet looking girl with long, green hair. And she was staring at me

Why was she staring at me? And then I looked at her again. Specifically her hair. It was calling to me like it was alive.

"Right, let's start!" Present Mic's voice called out to all of the arenas. "Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles. Run, run, run, listeners! You're wasting air time here."

And with that it begins.

The group of wannabe heroes ran into our arena, some getting upfront much faster than others. The arena was designed as a mock city so I began to scan the area for any natural sources.

There was a large water fountain placed in what looks like the center of the city. I take a deep breath cross my hands together in front of me and then quickly open them in a downward motion, propelling me into the air and allowing to me to glide on a wind current above my peers.

"That's bullshit. She doesn't even have wings." I smirk and wink in the direction the voice came from and boost myself through the air even faster.

I placed my feet on the top of the fountain as three 2-point enemies appeared. Using the water below me, I summon a long string of water that begins spiraling around me.

Following the motions I made with my arms, the water whip slashed through all three villains, gaining me six points.

A look of confidence took over my face as I spotted a group of other students staring at me in awe.

Not wanting to disappoint my new fan club, I turned toward a newly arrived group of faux villains, manipulated even more water, and created dozens of ice spikes.

"You guys might wanna watch out." I called to a few candidates struggling with the robots. I change the rhythm of my movement, getting up on the tips of my toes and then gracefully point my hand at the targets.

With dozens of holes riddling their mechanic bodies, the points were mine, adding up to 32.

"Someone get this water bitch out of the way." I turn to see a boy holding what appeared to be a large boomerang. He throws it and takes out two 3-pointers and four 2-pointers.

"Oh, so that's what we're doing?" I lick my lips and change my rhythm again. I now had taken all of the water from the fountain and suspended it above me. I can't magically make water out of nothing, but I can multiply water molecules if I have a big enough source.

Creating a water tornado, I race past the boomerang kid to the most open part of the map, which also had the most amount of villains. I spot my next group of victims and create a huge wave with the water I had taken from the fountain and began multiplying.

Once I decided the wave was big enough, I lowered my hand and allowed it to wipe out the section of bots.

42 points

Before I could stop to celebrate or get a reaction from the guy trying to compete with me, the ground began to rumble.

The fourth kind of target. It was a little bigger than we anticipated and everyone started to run away as fast as they could. Some stopped to help others, while most didn't.

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