Chapter 22

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After the insane amount of ice was finally melted, Kaminari and I finally made our way into the ring.

"Our second match has finally been cleared so welcome new competitors! First we have the boy with an electric personality from hero ocourse 1-A, Denki Kaminari! Versus his classmate also striving to be a hero who has already shown off three different forms of kinetics, Krystal Hirawa!"

Present Mic counts us off and our battle begins.

"I'm happy to treat you to a bite and comfort you after your loss, Hirawa. Because this is going to be over in two seconds, honey." Bolts of lightning begin dancing all over the boy's body.

"'Honey?' Really, Sparky? That's the best you could come up with? I'm disappointed." The boy smirks at me and gets into his fighting stance.

"Indiscriminate shock! 1.3 million volts!" Denki throws his arms down to the ground, causing lightning bolts to cover the entire ring and zap anything they come in contact with.

I smile to myself and almost feel bad for a second. I cross my arms over my chest, hang my head down, and crouch lower to the ground.

The crowd let out gasps of fear as they watch my body be hit with Denki's strongest attack. As the energy dies down and lighting of the arena returns to normal, all eyes were on me.

I started giggling and then it turned into louder laughter.

"Uh, what?" Kaminari looks at me with confusion. The sparks of energy that were on his skin were now doing their dance on mine as adrenaline pumped my blood faster.

I turn my eyes up and look at the boy who had the derpy face he always did when he short circuits.

"Poor, sweet sparkplug. Electric-type attacks don't work on people who can control that element."

"WOWWW! Hirawa also possesses an electro-kinesics power?! Aizawa your student are crazy!" Present Mic's hype up only gets me more excited.

"How about we feed the fire some more, Sparky?" I cross my arms, taking my time, and then quickly uncross them to launch myself 20 feet into the air. Once at my peak, I start spinning my body midair and then launch the wind tornado I had created at my opponent.

Kaminari gets stuck in the attack, unable to maneuver his body, and is dragged out of the ring.

"That's all folks! It was over in an instant! The winner is Krystal Hirawa and she advances to the next round!" the crowd projects hundreds of thousands of cheers as I gracefully land on the ground and then stop Kaminari from spinning.



"Yeah, Kaminari stood zero chance against you!"

I waved at Kirishima, Mina, and Tokoyami as they cheered to me over the guard rail. As much as I loved the support from my friends, I was really hoping the pros were watching me too.

As I exited the stadium to head up the stairs back to the stands, I'm stopped by another classmate.



"We need to talk."


The two of us sat across from each other in the waiting room. The atmosphere wasn't awkward but it definitely wasn't comfortable.

"Why were you hiding your powers?" He finally asked me. I force myself to look at him in the eyes and have a real conversation with him.

"Because I want to win the sports Festival." I respond.

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