Chapter 20

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"YOU'RE GONNA DO WHAT?!" I practically screamed in Ojiro's face. "This is all my fault. I should've told him off but I didn't... I'm so sorry."

"No, Hirawa. If I blame anyone it's Shinso. It's his quirk which means his choice. I just really can't see myself joining the tournament when I can't even remember how I earned a spot in the first place." I couldn't help but hang my head with guilt.

Shinso and I won a spot from the Calvary battle for all four of us, but Ojiro planned to drop out of the fight. I didn't think about how they would feel having someone else control their body during this opportunity they should've been able to show off for pros.

God, I'm such an idiot.

"Hey," he lightly punched my shoulder. "I've got the next two years too so don't worry about it. Next year you better watch out though!" I allowed myself to smile at him and tried to let go of some of my guilt.

But as soon as I let go of that situation, I'm reminded of the other thing that happened in the Calvary battle.

The pain I felt in my arm. What the hell was that? It felt like with my emotions...took over my fire quirk.

I rubbed my left arm with my right hand, trying to forget the feeling. As I watched Ojiro walk away and go meet up with the others for lunch I let out a sigh.

I need some alone time

"KRYSTAL. HIRAWA. GET. YOUR. ASS. OVER. HERE." OK the tone sounded like Mina but the voice belonged to...


With her she had a Mina, Tokoyami, Iida, Kaminari, and Sero. And they were all walking towards me. VERY QUICKLY.

I put my arms up, preparing to defend myself but Kaminari stops Uraraka before she could get too close to me.

"When were you planning on telling us about your powers?" Iida said in a scarily calm tone. All six of them had their eyes glued to me, waiting for an answer.

"Haha, you guys saw that whole 'plant' thing huh?" I ask, rubbing a hand behind my neck. "Well to be fair...MINA AND TOKOYAMI ALREADY KNEW SO I CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONE GETTING IN TROUBLE!"


"And you only told me you had more quirks. I didn't know any more than that." Tokoyami says with a bead of sweat on his face due to Iida's stare.

"Okay, Okay, I'm sorry. I'm more than a water and air manipulator and I only kept it a secret because I wanted to have a better advantage in the trials!" Uraraka, Iida, Sero, and Kaminari all still had unimpressed expressions that demanded more explanation. "My quirk is called eco-kinesis. If you know what it is then great you figured it out but I can't tell you what else I can do because we're still competitors."

"We're also your classmates, Hirawa. You can't just hide from us." Iida says, making hand chopping motions in the air.

"Iida, didn't you pull some bullshit turbo overdrive thing on Midoriya? Don't play with me. We all have our secrets." He responds with a shocked face and looks away, unable to make another excuse.

"Well I for one am definitely interested in learning more about this quirk of yours." Kaminari says with way too much flirt in his tone. "Maybe we can go out sometime and you can show me." Mina smacks back of his head.

"Anyway, as shocked as we are, you should've seen Todoroki's face. You only did the plant manipulation for a few seconds but he could not take his eyes off you." Sero said. I thought about the icy hot boy and how I hadn't seen him since the start of the last challenge.

Ecokinetic - My Highschool Hero (MHA)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang