Chapter 12

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Kyouka Jirou. Quirk: earphone jack

As I stood outside the door to the fake villain hideout, I panic slightly.

Every one of our classmates were watching the match which meant I shouldn't use my nature, earth, or thermal manipulation. Plus I don't know who all had seen my water or electricity manipulation at the entrance exam.

Which meant either I only use my aerokinesis or I force myself to show off more what I can do.

I was so focused on making my decision, I hadn't noticed Tokoyami trying to get my attention.

"Hey, the time has started. We need to go." He says. I nod and clench my fists.

The halls were dark, and seemed smaller than when we were watching on the monitors. The building is huge, how the hell are we supposed to find them?

"Hey," I turn towards Tokoyami. "Can your shadow thing phase through stuff?"

"Dark Shadow." He responds with a hint of aggression.

"...okay my bad. Can DARK SHADOW phase through stuff?" He nods, not even granting me a verbal response and continues to just stand there looking at me. "Hello? Go find them, maybe?"

He's still just standing there.

Finally, he rolls his eyes and calls upon Dark Shadow.

I've never seen him in action, but I have been told how intense that kind of quirk can get. Those intense, scary vibes were not what I was getting from the small, bird-shaped creature floating between us.

"He's kind of cute." I say with a smile. Tokoyami was clearly not entertained as he kept the same straight face he always has.

Taking a few more steps into the building, Tokoyami reaches his hands out and dark shadow flies up through the ceiling.

"Third floor, room in the southeast corner."

"All right cool. Let's go."

The three of us make our way towards the stairs and climb up two flights. All of a sudden I get an intense feeling like we were walking into a trap.

"WAIT, TOKOYAMI!" He stops, barely preventing himself from running into a bolt of electricity shot towards him.

Both of them were here.

"Well, well, well, didn't take ya long now did it?" Kaminari asks us in a Bollywood villainous voice.

"Well hello, Sparky. Your friend heard us walking around, didn't she?" I asked. Kaminari lets out an attempt at a menacing laugh and smiles at us.

"Yep! And now you guys gotta deal with me if you want to get that weapon."

Finally, a real fight. And it's 2 on 1 there's no way we lose. I look over at Tokoyami who didn't look nearly as confident as me.

"Tokoyami, what's wrong?"

"His electricity... It produces too much light... Dark Shadow can't handle that." Of fucking course we're put against the specific person who is his weakness.

"Okay, we can deal with this. You go around, find Jirou, and try to secure the weapon. I'll deal with this guy." Tokoyami agrees and runs towards the other hallway to get into the room.

"You're the air manipulation one, right?" Kaminari asks. "You called me Sparky, I gotta come up with a name for you too."

"I would wait to choose the nicknames until you really know me. I'm a little more than that." I smile before crossing my arms and uncrossing them to speed boost myself into close combat with my opponent.

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