Chapter 30

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"This is... A lot. Not that I'm surprised." I said to Shoto as we stood in a large, mostly empty sitting room inside of the 100-something story building that was none other than Endeavor's agency.

"Yes. He doesn't hold back when it comes to showing off how much he really earns as the number two pro hero." The whole building was mostly minimalistic interior-design-wise but it was very clear that the few things inside of it were outrageously expensive. My broke ass felt weird even thinking about sitting on the couch that looked like it cost as much as my whole house.

"I've been waiting for you two." The very recognizable voice of the flame hero was heard from the room entrance. With his naturally long strides, he made his way to the large wooden desk that was center-placed and greeted the two of us. "Shoto, you're finally ready to walk down the path of the mighty."

"I have no intention of following any path you've created. Only I can decide my future. And I am only here in support of my... Friend." With the last word, Shoto took a quick glance at me and then turned back towards his father.

"Heh. Is that so? Your "friend" is definitely very interesting as well. In both a professional and personal aspect." The comment clearly rubbed Shoto the wrong way because I quickly had to grab his wrist to prevent him from physically threatening the 6'4" man.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat. "Thank you for the opportunity and compliment, sir." I bowed to my new mentor and could feel the cringe dripping off of my internship partner.

"You should go get ready. We're going out."

"Where to?" Shoto questioned.

"It's time I show you what it means to be a hero. And Krystal, I want you to begin working on our agreement as soon as possible." Shoto, for what felt like the millionth time today, looked at me. But this time, his face held a look of confusion, worry, and... Betrayal?

"What... Agreement... What is he talking about, Krystal?" I couldn't bring myself to look back into his heterochromatic eyes.

"I already told you. I need to be able to use my fire. I need to no longer fear it. And your da- I mean Endeavor, has agreed to help me." The painful look of betrayal didn't leave his eyes as he forced himself to look away for me.

I knew seeking help from the hero would hurt Shoto no matter what I did, but I needed this. I need help.

Surely you can understand that... Right, Shoto?

I thought back to the other day when I resisted the urge to hold his hand. And then I thought about our moment in the break room at the festival when we broke down in each others arms. Finally, I thought about the first time I touched him, back when I caressed his scar after bumping into him at the start of the school year.

Being in contact with him brought the warmest feeling to me and I believed that he felt the same way. But when I reached for his arm this time to try and convince him that I had no intention of purposely hurting him, he pulled away, refusing my attempt at comforting him and leaving behind a physical pain in my chest following the rejection.

"Right... Just say you need HIM. I know that's what you're thinking so, so be it. Even after everything I told you." That pain in my chest began to burn harder as my body drowned in guilt and frustration.

"IT ISN'T ABOUT YOU, SHOTO. NOT EVERYTHING IS A PERSONAL ATTACK TO HURT YOU. THIS IS FOR ME AND MY QUIRK. ME AND MY FUTURE AS A HERO." The sudden rise in my voice's volume shocked Shoto for a moment before his fists tightened.

"How are you gonna stand there and act like I'm selfish when you're the one who just HAD to choose my father out of EVERYONE to be your mentor. WHY DO YOU NEED HIM SO BADLY? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST USE YOUR QUIRK LIKE EVERYONE ELSE? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" Shoto's eyes widened as he realized what he just said.

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