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"where have you been? you been gone for hours! how are you not in trouble? flich must've caught you."

"he can't get me in trouble," she laughed at talia's worried questions.

"what do you mean? it's not like you're-" she gasped, noticing, "no way!"

"you're really a prefect now?" kim smiled happily for her friend.

"what'd you say? who's a prefect?" butted in susan bones.

"lily! lily and ernie are our years prefects!"

suddenly, the whole hufflepuff common room was filled with fifth years and older who wanted to congratulate the two newly appointed prefects.

a small party had started and everyone enjoyed the free time in their common room, cozied up.

"we got snacks!" cheered melvin catterick and wayne bostock, earning cheers from others. the snacks floated around as the girls talked about owls and their study groups.

"i got stuck with most of the quidditch team, lucky me," groaned talia. "why must this happen? only the girls on the team are cute," she huffed.

"professor sprout always says-"

"individual commitment and group effort are the perfect match," the three girls imitated jokingly, laughing afterwards.

"honestly, i got lucky. my assigned study group is linda chaddesley and luke cholderton," kim chuckled. "they come in second you to in nearly everything."

"you pulled! honestly! neek central!" susan laughed.

"lily got to choose someone of another house," talia groaned. "so unfair."

"it's just!" lily protested. "i have to teach him! i'm not any different from the rest of you."

"who do you study with?" susan asked.

"ron weasley," kim smirked, popping a chocolate into her mouth. "she fancies him," she laughed, earning a smack in the arm. "ouch! what? are you trying to say you dont?"

"no! just don't go around telling everyone, honestly! you're mental!"

"indefinitely," kim laughed.

"i wonder if he became prefect."

"hermione definitely, but harry seems more for the job rather than ron," they criticized honestly.

"still! i can't believe it. you've always been popular, smart and strong, but this is just amazing!"

"i knew it'd be you," said hannah sincerely, as she was also the other candidate for prefect.

"honestly, i'm stunned it wasn't you," she laughed as the two hugged.

"you'll be great."

lily nodded, not knowing what else to say. she thought for a bit and then remembered as everyone was there. she got on a chair and cleared her throat.

everyone looked up, curious of what she had to say.

"um, as you all know, umbridge is a total tool who refuses to believe that you-know-who has returned and doesn't think that we deserve to be able to protect ourselves. it's barbaric, honestly, but we mustn't give in! as hufflepuff representative, me and others are trying to find someone else to teach us defensive magic, someone who will let us use our wands and protect ourselves against the dark arts. if you want to attend, please meet us at hog's head the upcoming hogsmead trip. thank you," she got off the chair with help from ernie and everyone clapped.

"nice speech, diggory," ernie smirked. she nodded and joined her friends.

"seem's like your speech worked," kim praised.

"yeah, i just hope it doesn't backfire when they meet the teacher," she mumbled.

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